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I'm going to be honest with you guys. I'm getting burned out. 

I try not to re-use jokes or concepts, and I've got over 1,200 pages so far.  Its hard being funny in a new way every day. And I get really frustrated if I feel like I'm delivering a sub-par product to the readers, especially you supporters that are paying for it. 

Especially you supporters, since I feel like I'm running out of ways to show these same handful of characters bucking nasty. 

SO I'm considering changing the format of the comic. This was something that I originally wasn't going to do until Part One of Ennui GO! was over, but it might be necessary sooner. My proposed new format would be this: Monday/Wednesday/Friday is mainline Ennui GO!. Tuesday/Thursday is Pro Ass Fishing. 

And Sunday would be a new comic, set in the Ennui GO! universe, with a new character, exclusively for you NSFW backers. This would be a purely sex comic, where this new character goes on sexual adventures around the world. You'd still get the same amount of NSFW content every month, just in a new story.

This is not to say I'd stop doing the NSFW stuff with Izzy and the gang. It just might not be as consistent, and I'd only do it if I came up with a really genuinely good idea. 

This new update format would mean I could spend a day and a half on each page instead of just one day. Lately I've been feeling really dissatisfied with my artwork, because I know for a fact I can do better, I just haven't because I'm constrained to this hell-schedule I've set for myself. And I always feel bad when I know for a fact I've under-performed on a page. With a little extra time I could make pages that look way better for you all. Plus, the new schedule would mean Pro Ass Fishing gets developed faster. 

I'm not going to implement this right away. It might not be until the new year, maybe not even until Part One of Ennui GO! is over. Let me know what you all think. Obviously you guys are the ones paying to get this comic made, so you should have input here. Leave a comment to let me know.

Stay tuned.





I think it's a good idea.


I'm all about it


I think this is a good idea and will cater to both fans looking for NSFW stuff and ones invested in the story. Don’t bear yourself up too much the comic is great.


If you need to change it up, then so be it. I couldn't do half as well for half as long.

Jessica DeJac

do what you gotta do! I do feel there are characters you've created that you could do more with you just haven't (yet?) I've seen you dip into a few for your warm ups or monthly drawings (like Franky, Bella,Espinosa, Methany, Kirsty and her man) I also feel like the whole "we never saw them again" with captain orca and his crew was a huge mistake, they were funny as hell, ;people loved them and they brought new body types into your line up. which is always apprenticed, Omegaman has claimed he can make someone climax with the power of the omega force but we haven't seen it and if we (the readers) haven't seen it then it's new to us. I know a lot of us miss the gag characters too like Smegli, Jerry and Smuckles. I really loved that little break you did for the holidays showing their families, it's sweet and cute and also brings in a bunch of newish characters to work with- for porn or other wise! Canyon and the Wrestleboys, Xoltan and his bizarre relationship with Sibyl (whom is also beloved for being a shady little shit) I personally can never get enough of them, Hiro or Len. I also love the kids- but I know that does nothing for you for your NSFW comics. I guess my main point here is- you HAVE potential here Doc. you just gotta poke around at stuff you think people have forgotten about. then it makes you look like a writing mastermind.

Scott Sinclair

I'm for the new schedule. Changing things up is far more preferable than you just dropping everything and saying fuck this


At this point, I'm paying you the artist, not you the "draw Ennui GO! forever and ever chained to your desk" guy. You keep making content, with occasional NSFW humor, I'll keep paying. Make whatever makes you happy, or challenged as an artist. I mean hell, look at the first Izzy I bought vs the latest one: https://imgur.com/np5pR7Z ... you're evolving as an artist. Keep drawing whatever, don't burn yourself out.


At first i was only a little bummed that you stoppe publishing once a day. After a few days i thought "you know, docs put out so many so far and hes workin on a new project, so no prob bob". But if your burnin out, then you do what you gotta do.