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Is it free ?

Yes, the service is completely free! However, supporting us through Patreon is a great way to help us enhance features and functionalities. Some features will initially be exclusive to Patreon supporters until they are fully developed.

How much real info would I have to provide in order to make a license?

You can create a license without providing any personal information, including an email address. However, registering your email is recommended for added security, in case you lose your private key later. Rest assured, your email will be securely encrypted, and neither I nor anyone else will have access to it. Plus, you won’t receive any spam from us!

Is there a digital download that comes with it?

Once you’ve created your license, you can easily download it in either PDF or PNG format.

Is there an app?

Yes and no: There is no app that can be downloaded from an app store (like Google Play or its Mac equivalent), but there is a web app that can be installed on your phone.

The installation method depends on the browser. You can find more information here:

The website tells me that my image is too large, what should I do?

The size of images you can upload is limited, and with new phones, this limit is quickly reached. Resize the image before uploading it, for example, with this online program: https://imageresizer.com/

How can I send this to others on Facebook?

As soon as you finish configuring your license, you will get all the information in the admin panel.

How to acces menu punishment?

Punishments are still in development and are currently limited to Patreon supporters. You need to become a paying Patreon supporter and send me your license number via the Patreon site so that I can update your status.

Will you add more countries?

Yes. Most of the time, I add countries on request. Just ask me for specific countries.



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