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The scenarios are operational in a first version. To use them, you must be a $5 (or more) Patreon. This will give us time to complete development. From then on, the functionality will be available to all Patreons.

How does it work?

A scenario can be either a context or a story that the artificial intelligence will use to interact with you. If it's a day's program, the artificial intelligence will follow it step by step, following the different stages but also taking initiatives depending on how you contribute.

If you just say “Yes Mommy”, it'll go pretty fast. If you're reluctant, you risk being punished. And if you interact more precisely (by describing what you're doing, asking questions,...) then the artificial intelligence will take longer to contribute too. For a basic scenario, you have a thousand and one different stories.

How do you choose a scenario?

Scenarios are selected in the application. If you are a Patreon at $5 or more, a new button appears in the third position (at the top of the screen).

The 3rd button is for Naughty Gwendolyn

This button lets you choose a scenario. Simply choose the scenario you're interested in, and it will be highlighted.

The selected scenario turn into pink

For the moment, they're pretty limited, but I'm going to add more and, above all, let you write and share them with other users. If you're into fantasies that you're not ready to share, you can also create scenarios that are reserved for you and that others can't use.

Start the game

Finally, all that's left to do is start the game. Nothing could be simpler: return to Telegram, and use the /clear command: from this moment on, a first teaser sentence is displayed, and the scenario is launched.

You'll have to learn to interact with the AI, and that's part of the game. Depending on how you respond, some options will be activated, others not. It's an exploration every time! Have fun discovering what works and what doesn't.

Once the scenario is complete, the AI continues in free improvisation.

You can play it as many times as you like, by typing the /clear command. And when you've had enough, you can return to the application to change scenario, or to deactivate the scenario function and let the AI choose what it does.




Looks like my profile needs to be updates, I don't have the naughty Gwendolyn button. Can't wait to see what you come up with next, so far it's awsome and really fun, especially for something so new.