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Hey everyone!   

Sorry for the long silence, I have just been coding away at Megalith! Her QTE was... quite tough to put together. Anyway, here's the first demo for her.   

Mainly what she's missing is her game over animations/screens, and I want to give her one or two extra moves to round her out. So that will all be next. But I don't want to overcomplicate her too much. She is meant to be a miniboss, and the first miniboss at that. Though she does not feel like it...  

Anyway, enjoy! And let me know what you think. 


59.79 MB file on MEGA


Drages Animations

Looks great! Just one question. I just joined and I remember there was a boss cow too at heli. What happened her?


Heh, she actually wasn't a boss, she just appears at the end of level 1. That's all done and fully playable, over here: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/47961636/