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Hey guys! How's everyone? 😊

I hope you're in the mood for some long ass videos and if you're not that's fine too! You can skip these and I'll see you in another video 😉
These  are my guilty pleasure tbh and so even if they're super long I really love them nsnsns But also it weirdly makes everything feel more cozy? Like I'm just watching a show with a friend? Do you know what I mean? I really hope you get to feel that way too! 

EP 1: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/wz8n7ym1qc146at/AAAZRB0O1z8lU5l49S7vRgOka?dl=0

EP2: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/5j324cu85jfngko/AAAdoHLMrxYmX60at0fl7JLXa?dl=0

I'm gonna film the 3rd part in the next few days and hopefully will be able to share it with you before the end of the month!

I hope you guys enjoy and thank you all ❤️



Yuehua and Starship only worked together for WJSN. The 3 chinese former members are from Yuehua. Yuehua is basically the SM of China. They have insane money and resources, and many of the top tier stars in China. Basically they have huge monopoly of the Chinese entertainment industry. Unfortunately, the Korean side of the company has never seen much of the budget.


So that's how they are related !!! It seems like it's been forever since I last heard of the Chinese members though 😕 do you know if there are talks about them ever rejoining the group? Cause from my understanding they haven't technically left wjsn right?


I feel a feeling they may not return tbh. A couple of them are now huge stars in China and have big promotions so Yuehua would take advantage of that. I've heard a couple of them 'like' some of the members social media posts from time to time.