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Hello, everyone! I thought I would host a fun community-driven poll for all of you to collectively decide on an idea for one of my comics. The comment below with the most likes within one week will determine the general concept of one of my future comics. May the best idea win!




Two college girls(approx early 20s) are on their usual jogging route when the spot a store that they've strangely never seen before. Curious about it they think why not go in to see what it is. Once inside, they're looking around and they see many charms, herbs, stones, potions and such for sale. A woman with dark hair steps behind the front counter welcoming the women to her shop. She has about 10 to 20 years on them but she's beautiful and friendly. The 2 girls are looking around and one of them asks the dark haired woman what all of these things are used for. The woman gives a vague answer that they can be used in many ways. She looks the two girls up and down and says that many of these potions can enhance different parts of you. She pulls out a larger bottle from behind the counter and says this one can even improve your dating life. This catches the girl's attentions. They're both single and looking to date, but one girl is skeptical and says she wouldn't need something like that. But the other girl excited pushes past her and jumps on the opportunity and buys it. Back at their dorm the excited friend convinced the skeptical one to try it. It couldn't hurt their dating life. But it has some unexpected results. It starts with BE, and while they're definitely confused about it they don't complain since neither of them had much for boobs. The excited friend gets a little carried away with it even though the skeptical friend warns her it's probably not a good idea. The excited friend's boobs are starting to get bigger and her butt starts swelling too. Seeing this, her skeptical friend is now getting jealous and drinks more of the potion. This competition goes on until they're pretty big and both end up being the winner. sorry for typos and bad grammar

Josh Creinzler

Fat theft but in all the right places