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Hey everyone! I want to start off by apologizing for my long absence here. I've been dealing with one catastrophic problem after another. First off, I'll say that my GPU cord wasn't the issue; my whole GPU went kaput. Since my new PC is a prebuilt one, I had to send the entire system in to get it looked at. This also caused me to lose all of my old settings that I used to create content for all of you. I sincerely apologize for not making a post about the issues, but I just hate letting everyone down here. I figured I better have something to show for the delay, or it wasn't worth talking about.

I've spent the last week since I got the computer back setting it up again as I had it before, but I had a new thought. The art style I've been using, and the limitations of basic Stable Diffusion, contribute to each comic taking 50-60 hours to produce. I decided early on in the rebuilding process that I was going to upgrade everything. The image above, and the gallery of samples posted, represent the new foundation of quality that I want to have going forward. It's still a big work in progress, but I think it's a vast improvement over my old one in more ways than one. It's also much easier to use, which will cut down on the time needed for each comic!

Once again, I am very sorry for my absence. Thank you all though so much for your continued support; I wouldn't be in this position without you. ❤️ Expect a brand new comic in this art style soon! Any Tier 3+ patrons that I haven't messaged or received their commissions from will hear from me soon!
