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Hello patrons! As some of you are aware, there has been a situation days ago on my twitter that severely affected my mental health. While I do have proof and such to clear up most the air- with the advice of my friends, family and therapists, they told me to completely drop it and anyone involved in the harassment from there on out, even when I build the courage to come back in some form. There were also some things that I did poorly during the situation, but I assure you that I meant no malicious intent. I was simply defending myself.

Everyone has different opinions on the thing, and I'd personally like to not voice my opinion of such topic anymore because it makes me uncomfortable (forcing me into a side) and it's just going to lead everyone in wasteful circles. I do not silence anyone on either side- I only silence those who use this as leverage to attack, harass and obsess over me. And as much as you have your own beliefs and some of you may think I'm not in the wrong for the topic, I'd appreciate if you do not bring focus on the topic and rather focus on leaving people be and showing your care.

It was never meant to be public- the material was exchanged between consenting adults, and for longer than it first sparked to the public, I have long since acknowledged the mistake and moved on. I never expected it would be used against me in the future. If people do not understand that or maintain that neutrality and refuse to block me, then they're simply not worth my energy and space. It was also strange to me that a majority of my harassers were minors. As 

The situation has severely traumatized me and warped my perception on a lot of things, including people. But I found nice people, who were supportive of me and only wanted the best for me, no matter their opinion. It really doesn't matter what you think. I truly believe everyone's privacy should be respected, especially when its something that didn't harm anyone. And to accuse people for making simple mistakes they apologized for, as horrible irredeemable people, it will help nobody.

Hah... I might be going on circles, but I tried to explain the best I could. I bring great detail on emphasis because I fear I might leave some things out and people might misunderstand me.

Ultimately it is up to you to continue your support. If you do not care about the situation and its debacle, and continue your support for me, you have my sincerest gratitude. The majority of the money I earn here has always been used for good means- to get me by in college and to encourage me to pursue the things I want to do, which is evident by the amount of support.

Currently, I've been sitting in with therapists. My parents finally understood that I needed this, after a lot of emotional bursts and crying, and I've been looking forward to a potential psychiatrist that one of my therapists recommended to my mother. I've been taking time to myself for breaks and such.

As for my projects. Many of them unfortunately involved people who were cross about me of the situation and it isn't clear if they wish to back out, so I have to cancel some of them quietly, but they're just going to be left up to the window. But stuff like the Anthro AU comics and my MAP will continue on. There is no other appropriate direction than to pick myself up and move on.

I have made a personal blog on my tumblr. This doesn't involve my art but rather more personal stuff (but not too personal). You're welcome to come and see.



I am so proud of you. Best of luck to your therapy and recovery!


Hope you recover well!!! Honestly really sucks that people usually only bring this shit up when people start gaining traction, when it's something that never should have been public to begin with. We'll be here to support you through and through!!!