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Now for all patrons
My little attempt at creating a story for my images. I really hope you like it, even though I'm not the best at this kind of stuff. I would absolutely love to hear your opinion on this post and how you enjoyed it! 🤔👍
Act 1: The Beginning 

After finding yourself reincarnated in another world, you awoke in a scorching hot desert with no sustenance in sight. Hours passed as you wandered the barren landscape in search of civilization or anything edible. Just as despair set in, a mysterious shimmering liquid caught your eye in the distance.

Act 2: The Miracle

Summoning all your strength, you raced toward this life-saving liquid. Plunging headfirst into a small puddle, you eagerly consumed the chewy and difficult-to-swallow substance. Its salty, somewhat bitter taste was a small price to pay for survival. As night fell, you managed to build a modest fire, recalling the desert's extreme temperature fluctuations. Though exhausted, you drifted off to sleep with a growling stomach.

Upon waking, you discovered liquid residue on your hand from the previous day, and more lay beside you. Hastily swallowing it down, you found the taste slightly more palatable, or perhaps you had grown accustomed to it. The appearance of this mysterious liquid remained perplexing, but you were grateful for its recurring presence.

As time passed, your dependence on the liquid grew, and you even developed a taste for it. However, anxiety crept in when you could no longer find a single puddle. The fear of abandonment by the divine haunted your nights as hunger persisted.

Act 3: God (?)

Awakening once again with hunger gnawing at you, the absence of the life-saving liquid was unsettling. However, an unexpected discovery shifted your focus—footprints. Clearly not human, these tracks resembled animal paws. Following them, you encountered a bipedal creature, defying desert norms. Tripping over something, you rolled down a dune before a feminine voice interrupted your disorientation.

-"Oh Shit, are you alright?" The voice, concerned and caring, came from someone you couldn't see due to your spinning vision.

-"I'm alright, thanks for a...s...." Your words trailed off as you opened your eyes, fixating on a puddle of the life-saving liquid once more.

Ignoring the presence of another being, you dove for a much-needed slurp. Drops of liquid rained from above, and as you looked up, you were met with an unexpected sight—a massive, girthy, red canine organ. A literal drop of precum landed in your open mouth, a taste too familiar to ignore—it was your nectar, your life-saving liquid.

Aria, the mysterious figure, finally introduced herself. She explained that she had been following you, leaving her precious liquid as a lifeline. A strange yet vital connection between her and your survival unfolded.

As Aria continued to speak, your ears tuned out her words. All that mattered in that moment was the enticing prospect of sustenance. Taking matters into your own hands—or rather, your mouth—you eagerly indulged in the peculiar yet familiar offering. Aria, surprised by your enthusiasm, commented, "Oh shit, I must have overdone it a little bit with addicting you to my taste." Despite this, she seemed willing to provide another portion of the peculiar sustenance you had come to rely on.




hooked great stuff