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I'll delete the Tier 1 post and make a new one, I think that's going to be much easier and safer

It will take me a while to update the links, but once you see the new Tier 1 post, everything should be set

Unfortunately, I'll only be able to post the rest of the comic on Fanbox, but I'll make it up to everyone here. I'm working on finishing the Evelynn animation very soon and I'll try to finish a few pages from the Hinata/Shinobu comic as well :)


Hey everyone,

I just wanted to let you know that I had to delete the last comic pages I posted from Patreon and Google Drive and because of that, my Tier 1 post will be under review for a few days

I won't be able to post the rest of the pages here unfortunately and the Google Drive links might not be available in the meantime. I'm sorry for the inconvenience


Uncle Flaco

All good Pal No worries 👍


Are you ok man what did you do getting under review? comic pages


So far yes, but we'll have to wait and see if anything happens during the week. Apparently the last comic pages I posted were against Patreon's TOS so I had to remove them