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In the past, after I resolved the entire request list by uploading 4 to 5 posts a day, I promised that I would never delay uploading requested illustrations again.

However, because of my health problems, someone waited 3 weeks for requested work again. In addition, there are people who have been waiting for more than 10 days. I sincerely apologize, and I will do my best to process the remaining listings as quickly as possible.

I know very well that only if the processing speed is quickened will subscribers stay on my page for a long time. I love you all.😊



I understand you have health complications and other obligations, those are important too. Please make sure not to neglect yourself doing this.

David Ryder

I might have been the three week one, if I was it didn't bother me. I was enjoying what you were releasing so I wasn't in any hurry. No worries.