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Hi, everyone. I think it's going to be a pretty long post. But it's important, so I hope you read it.

Recently, Patreon's guidelines have become stricter, and Pixiv has also been instructed to remove links to pages where uncensored versions of illustrations are uploaded. A lot of bad news overlaps.

So, I decided to change my means of promoting Patreon to Twitter(https://twitter.com/Sephiaton955), and other than Patreon, I also decided to use other sites such as Gumroad and Booth. These are methods I discovered thanks to the love and help of my subscribers.

Patreon's guidelines have been strengthened. I sent an email to the management in advance and asked them to give me a grace period rather than deleting my account immediately, as I would edit or delete any posts that violated the new guidelines myself. Last September, the Patreon management showed mercy and gave me a chance, and I passed without incident. I hope it's the same as back then.

There probably won't be any new traffic to my Patreon page for a while. Promotion through my Pixiv channel is blocked, and it will take time for my Twitter to grow. (I'm still active on Pixiv to promote my Twitter account.) Gumroad and Booth haven't even started yet. I have to start step by step, learning how to do it.

That means, right now, the remaining subscribers are my only hope. Although this bad news continues, I am not shaken and continue to upload illustrations. This activity will not stop anytime soon.

Still, just in case, please follow my Pixiv channel (https://www.pixiv.net/users/30620041). In the worst case scenario, if my Patreon account is suspended, I will announce my next activities through the Pixiv channel (of course, I hope that doesn't happen).


It would also be helpful to join my Discord channel.

This is the end of important information. Anything else I want to say...

I love my subscribers so much! You, who always support me, encourage me, request illustrations, and give me a lot of interest, are the owners of this page. I want to stay with the remaining subscribers for a long time!

Have a nice day everyone!




I would recommend taking a look at subscribestar or perftile art since recently gumroad did announce it was no longer hosting this type of content. Something to consider before you start. Still best of luck mate and hoping for the best👍