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A bit late to the party for the Mystery Box announcement this month.

However the next box will feature a neat C&G scene again paired two wonderful artists and their exclusive content for the box.

This time the model comes from "Femurface". An artist you might not have heard about but you definitely should. He's proven the quality of his works not only lately within pogdaddys LOTR lineup but is known for crafting his looks carefully - taking time - revisiting - crafting and repeat. Someone whos not throwing the whole bucket of paint on the wall but uses soft brushes and time to craft exactly what he wants.

You can check out the works here - they are all free.

Now lets match the model with a wonderful set of clothing from "AWWalker". He's also a telented artist and been publishing his works on the HUB for a while now. He has some really neat clothing sets you definitely need to check out for free. You can expect a perfect match from him to the model from femurface.

Check out his content here.

Thats all so far for the announcement. Expect the next Mystery Box to be released in the last week of this month.
The Mystery Box is a Mystery - so no details about its content are shared until release =D

All previous boxes are of course included within the Mystery Box tier




I'm Femurface's biggest cheerleader :D