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Whether its cameras or mirrors. Both options in a scene have their very own pros and cons. I don't want to go into too much detail here and keep it simple. Which option do you prefer?

Cameras or Mirrors? Or maybe even both?

*Just to be clear we are speaking of camera assets and not the in built window camera!

Please share your thoughts in the comment section below.

I am thinking about to replace the mirrors with cameras in future releases but as always I will do this only if the majority of our supporters like the idea.

An expample of how cameras and a mirror work in our scenes is the latest upate of "Simple Ride 03"

Really excited for the results :)




Strongly favour a camera/screen setup over mirrors, for several reasons - eg that camera and screen can be in two different places, which is not possible with a mirror - but the most important argument for me is performance. Or, more precisely: "Ability to degrade gracefully". A system that doesn't degrade gracefully is one that looks like shit except at its most performance-hungry configuration. By their very nature, mirrors are such a system - not only are they resource-intensive in themselves, but due to their very nature, they place additional strain on other parts of the system. Lighting options for example - I can get by with three pixel lights most of the time without noticeable quality difference - not least because I prefer POV-VR, so everything I need well-lit is usually VERY close to my viewport. But the mirror image still looks like shit, even on an (unsustainable) 4096. Why? I suspect the reason is that the mirror effectively increases the min distance for pixel lights (If you set eg Pixel Lights to 3, Vam will automatically switch all lightsources - except for the three closest ones - to vertex lights to improve performance). So you get the paradox of looking at the girl banging your brains out being rendered in full 3 pixellight glory, while her reflection in the mirror is rendered with vertex lights, and looks like it's been run through an especially abhorrent Instagram filter. Ofc, you can "cure" that by increasing the cap on pixel lights - but at the cost of sabotaging VaM's builtin performance-enhancing mechanisms. That's what I mean by "not degrading gracefully" - a good setup can be configured so it invests resources where they matter to the player. With a camera/screen setup, you have several ways of improving image quality - or at least to make a poor image less jarring - that the mirror cannot match. Last not least, a camera & screen can be in two different places, so you don't have "obscured sightlines" like you have with a mirror - especially important for adult POV-VR, where your "object of interest" is usually right in front of your nose, obscuring most of your viewport (In other words: With a mirror, you can't look at a girl's ass while she's bouncing on your dick in cowgirl. Because she's ... nevermind) TL;DR - Camera & screen allow for MORE sexiness at LESS performance-cost! P.S.: Ofc, there's no ONE single "camera & screen" setup - there's the builtin camera, and, by my count, at least THREE community-built solutions. It seems advisable to experiment a bit & ask for feedback from users before deciding on one particular setup. Methinks the one that hazmhox published recently looks very interesting, especially wrt "ability to degrade gracefully".


Thank you for your in depth opinion and suggestions! I am taking a lot of this into account for the decision later on. I definitely agree that mirrors in vam act strange sometimes. Honestly I didn't know mirrors are forcing to vertex - but might be because vam never runs with less than 6 *possible* pixel lights here. I don't want to influence the poll results but just there are several reasons I am polling this now as I was never 100% happy with mirrors regardless of the dymanic position slider I like to build it. As a side note I already did some research and stubeled across several camera plugins. Taking out those NC tagged ones there is only hazmhox left and the one by "Griffo" which is built in the latest update. Both have their pros and cons and as for usage in our content I am especially watching over usablity / user friendlyness / FPS impact plus multi cam possibility and how effective I can built it in scenes without spending tons of time for one sigle feature

Mathieu Tremblay

I have rtx3080 ti and it s not enought powerfull to play depending of the setting... mirror and camera work hard on the gpu... perhaps working another thing ? Tanx!

CaseEP (edited)

Comment edits

2023-07-13 00:54:13 Hmmmh ... I'm running this on a Radeon Rx 5700XT, RyZen 7 5700X, 64Gb Ram @3600 in VR (Quest 1). TL;DR - Your card is more powerfull than my & I get "acceptable" FPS in VR. First thing is that vam optimizing is a bit of an artform. Second thing is that many ppl have wrong ideas about "acceptable" - this isn't an AAA-title where 20 ppl worked on optimization settings. If you get >45 FPS in VR consistently, that is GOOD. If you can get >60 FPS consistently, that is very good. VaM can easily bring latest generation hardware for 4000$ to its knees.
2023-07-04 09:46:38 Hmmmh ... I'm running this on a Radeon Rx 5700XT, RyZen 7 5700X, 64Gb Ram @3600 in VR (Quest 1). TL;DR - Your card is more powerfull than my & I get "acceptable" FPS in VR. First thing is that vam optimizing is a bit of an artform. Second thing is that many ppl have wrong ideas about "acceptable" - this isn't an AAA-title where 20 ppl worked on optimization settings. If you get >45 FPS in VR consistently, that is GOOD. If you can get >60 FPS consistently, that is very good. VaM can easily bring latest generation hardware for 4000$ to its knees.

Hmmmh ... I'm running this on a Radeon Rx 5700XT, RyZen 7 5700X, 64Gb Ram @3600 in VR (Quest 1). TL;DR - Your card is more powerfull than my & I get "acceptable" FPS in VR. First thing is that vam optimizing is a bit of an artform. Second thing is that many ppl have wrong ideas about "acceptable" - this isn't an AAA-title where 20 ppl worked on optimization settings. If you get >45 FPS in VR consistently, that is GOOD. If you can get >60 FPS consistently, that is very good. VaM can easily bring latest generation hardware for 4000$ to its knees.