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Dear Patrons & everyone interested stepping by,

Sometimes there is so much going on in the background we are not quiet sure how and where to start. As we know not every of our patrons or C&G interested / followers is on Discord (here our discord link btw: https://discord.gg/8fqn5wrugf )
we feel like we want to share some important information what's happening.

So grab some Popcorn and take a minute or 5 to read the following ;)

During the past year we realized that C&G is more than a "hobby". The shier amount of time, effort and love to details we put in each release and the incredible feedback we got from all around the VaM world (or even not the VaM world ) had that much of an impact we decided to "get serious" now.

C&G-STUDIO until today was a name, but was missing it's core. So in fact the so called "studio" was and still is noting more nach Chrizzy attaching trackers on her body and dancing/moving/posing in our attic (yes, sloping walls) with max. 2x2 meters (~6x6 ft.) of space causing her to have various difficulties.

If you ever thought "wow, they must have crazy technology and a fantastic room to record this crazy MoCaps  and shows" we have to say: Nope, nothing like that at all. Just regular base stations, trackers and a pretty much shitty room with bad lighting conditions (especially for those base stations).

So how does C&G "get serious" now?

First thing we are going to do is to build up a real studio (we already have real girls :P - Just for those understanding the reference haha). Taking a MoCap studio serious means reaching for industrial standards. Thanks to our supporters we were able to save a pretty good amount of money to start off slowly. We want to build it up in two main stages. So here is the plan:

STAGE 1 MOCAP STUDIO (january 2023)  

-> Dedicated studio room with around 7x7 meters (21x21 ft.)
   * contract already signed so this is SAFE! :)
-> "OptiTrack" MoCap solution for 1 person (8 cameras) + Software
-> 3 MoCap suits for the different sizes of the actresses
-> Accessories / Tools  
-> Dedicated recording PC / station
-> Alarm security system
-> Flexible mount/demount pole (strip/sexy acts)
-> a lot of props (chairs, tables, stairs....)
-> Wardrobe
-> Chillout & Talk area  


-> Implementation of detailed finger MoCap
-> Implementation of facial MoCap
-> Expanding setup to 2 Person recording

We are not taking any bank credit or something like that to realize this studio. All money comes from private savings and most importantly from your support. There is not a single $ spent on useless things. Of course at some point in the future we hope to drink a Bahama-Mama on the Bahamas, but until then we give our very best to re-invest your investment to C&G as good as we can.

Ok, so we got the studio. What now?

Remember how hyped we've been trying out the "Rokoko" suit? Jeeez it was so crazy in our hype we asked a lot of people if they are willing to record with / for us even before we tested the suit. So yeah, even if the suit didn't work for us we have still a lot of contacts of crazy good actresses. It doesn't matter if it's a sexy/erotic/pole show, EDM, Twerk + HipHop or even complex choreographies. We are really blessed with the fact ppl know what we do is no "cheap XXX" but something artistic with good potential. In future Chrizzy will step back a bit from being recorded cause even if she is actually pretty good, she's not a prefossional. This doesn't mean she won't be recorded anymore but this means we leave a lot of room for new players on the field which also will give a lot of variety.

Sounds Good. New actresses and a studio, that's it?

Nope, this is only the beginning. We reeeeeaaallly hope our "studio train" won't hit a wall frontal and leave us behind crying like babies. If the support keeps growing like it is we expand our content even more. Although we would love to drink our Bahama-Mama finally we want to dedicate a lot of money to comissioned works and our partners. Depending on the success we plan around 50 - 80% of the shows containing unique looks / clothing / assets and whatever we want to have in there. This helps other creators to grow and us to deliver something truly unique.

Additionally to this we are going to "re-launch" our Youtube channel which is dead somehow. The Youtube channel will be a surprise-box with a lot of things we don't know actually if anybody wants to see but we do it anyway :P Behind the scenes, get us to know, a lot of stupid & funny stuff and also in depth talks / how to / how not to ( ;D )

Finally about Patreon. We also plan to run a pilot project next year with a dedicated C&G website. We are not sure yet how it will look like but the raw script for it already exsists. Even with the external website our existance on Patron will be untouched.

Further we rework the existing "tags" we made here on patron. In our opinion it is a bit confusing having so many different tags. Since all of our content is stored in mega they don't seem to make sense anymore. We are working on a solution there but this takes some time.

Ok, this was quiet a bit text and a lot information. In any case feel free to reach out at any time!




silent chaos

lets just hope that vam 2 will have the same or better ways to implement animations from your end. and that investing in all this cool tech etc will be worth it. you dont want to be stuck on vam 1 cuz there is no good way to implement your dances into the new game..


VaM 2.X will have better way of implementation for sure. To be honest even with the Rokoko suit the implementation was actually possible and could be pretty good. But we didn't agree eith the overall recording quality ad there were other issues with the software we decided not to stick with in a longer term. One of the most important things will be to set up a pipeline to record inside VaM native using OptiTrack. To be said a "live in vam" record. This will take time but we are sure it will become possible at some point. Until then we are going to already have everything a good studio needs to record industrial standard quality MoCap data :)

blabla patreon (edited)

Comment edits

2022-10-16 12:43:49 Congrats
2022-09-03 10:26:59 Congrats
