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We´re back from vaccation with a ton of new ideas & improvements!

One thing what always comes in our minds while thinking about our studio and shows is the fact they´re always pretty "full" and "massive". A good thing in the first instance. But can´t we just do something...let´s say more easy to watch and to enjoy too? More erotic, more focus with less covering show? We think yes! of course! So what we would like to do is creating a new category of MoCap style we would like to call the "Booty2Lap" Series.

This would be the core features of the series....

-> Slow to mid speed Booty shake / swing
-> Reduced show elements and improved FPS
-> Designed for posession (means the girl will dance close to the male character without direct interaction like for example in a "touchy booty shake dance")
-> Male part is NOT animated
-> Moments of standing still & posing instead of dancing the whole time (ideal for short interacion with the model with your posessed hands for example)
-> Room will only have a basic and repetitive setup through the series.
-> Focus is the fitting hip/body movement and close behaviour of the model

Overall its a bit of "back to the roots" also combined with our todays experience and models. The core thought behind this is just to leave the "show" focus and put a total focus on the girl & you again.

What do you think? Please leave a vote and a comment! Also if you have any suggestions how to improve this new category we would be greatful to hear!




Lube haha nice. The best thing you ever did (for me) was the simple chair dance because it worked well and the attention to detail from mirrors to mocap to plug in to performance to vr friendly etc was all spot on! And the female look was perfect (though I prefer your towl dancing girl lol). So as you've gone all in with the big spectacle performance heavy scenes maybe now take not a step back..but a step sideways with a smaller scene but equally detailed. And give your users choice (and surprise). I always loved that you could pause but still continue allowing multiple user generated micro scenes and sex acts within the overall arc of the performance. If that makes sense. If not I'll draw you a detailed sketch with my lube resistance crayons lol Keep up the good work guys and gals! (Hope you had a nice hol ;).


Well said my friend! Somehow in the middel of our little MoCap heart we know for sure 90% of our patreons are waiting patiently for something like the chair dance or other booty shake dances in the past. Feels like we´ve lost a bit of focus too although the shows got extreme big and good ( in my opinion ). It almost feels like "VaM is not ready for this" because as soon as you implement a big show like our last release you need to rent a rig from the NASA. However I guess you´re talking about the "Take it" MoCap. Yes, this was also a big step forward and something nobody did before. It was also really heav and complex to archive. I got some personal ideas how to develop this idea of the "Booty2Lap" series into a real must have (Gato) =D


Def agree about vam (along side my pc lol) isn't ready for your most excellent spectacles! And that's my point. Try small seemingly simple but extremely complex and versatile scenes. If youve ever tried to simulate human movement or ai you'll know even the most basic taken for granted foot step or independent thought is almost impossible to achieve becasue nature is basically awesome (and had billions of years to practice lol). But I still think we should take a (excuse pun) 'leaf' out of nature's book and reach for the proverbial stars (creatively) haha

Tom VR Explorer

If I feel like playing any of the C&G scenes, Booty Shake Dance Vol.6 is what I play 90% of the time, 9% the rest of Booty Shake series, 1% the rest. The rest have very little replayability and/or feature this huge lady with unrealistically large proportions and what looks like permanent goose bumps on her skin. You could try and cater to people who don't prefer massive tits and huge butts. I know I can replace the models in the scene (I always remove the guy, you add enough epilepsy-inducing effects as is to destroy performance anyway) but it's not the same. Anyway, don't take this comment the wrong way, you are pioneers, you are experimenting, but try and make atmospheric Booty Shake vol. 8, 9, 10... without all the flashing lights.


I like the spectacle scenes but they are performance killers. Also really like the scenes of dancers close to sitting guy possessable. Maybe you can blend a first part with a complex show with a second part closer to the viewer (possessed character) with small interactions like caressing and girlbodies moving ontop.


Offtopic: maybe you can think about creating a megapack for new members or clean install of VaM. It's really a mess reinstalling every scene one by one, with a lot of different passwords. And all the third party packs


Totally agree! Human movement is way more than just rotation and position on 3 axes. There are missing tons of moving muscles and micro movements in every single frame. In my opinion VaM 2.0 is doing some groundbraking stuff there if you followed the dev info on the VaM Hub. An example for it is the new method of bending behaviour. Meshed gave an example with shoulder bending behaviour. But netherless I am always happy to take a leaf out of nature und create something great to fap to! ;P Just joking, yeah. We do our best to get as close as possible and who knows, maybe we can finally make real davantage with the MoCap suit within VaM 2.0 also ;)


Wow! I feel very sorry you actually didn´t enjoy a large number of our scenes! :/ Uhm...could you please pint out wich scene exactly does feature a " huge lady with unrealistic large propotions and permanent goose bumps on her skin"? Just curious. You are the first one ever reported things like that. Sure, in earlier MoCaps the models were not so great. Maybe the world scale is a problem? We tended to scale the world to 0.86 in the past but now scale it to 0.92-0.96 depending on show. Did you try the Sexy Showdance Vol.3? The girl has pretty small melons. All in all I think you would really like the Booty2Lap series hence this is going to be a lot less show and a lot more focus! ;)


Should be possible! I already got an idea. Maybe something like adding a "sex choice" in the end of the dance.


I definitely understand the frustration. We´re thinking about a yearly mega-pack with and all in one install instruction. But one thing we definitely won´t do is to include other creators work in our pack. Although all third party content we use is free it´s pretty dishonoring and a no-go just to include their work in our downloads. I know some other creators out there don´t really care and do it but this is a red line we as a studio will never cross. Maybe it costs the "consumer" some clicks more but you are also able to get the authors to know and maybe benefit from other content they have done. Also they´re happy about ever download/click/vote. Including their work means also stealing their chance to get known better in VaM, wich is developing into a not to underestimate marked


And in the mean time just keep finding new creative ways to push vams current iteration to it's limits or just do things no one else has thought of before. Like don't just add a sex choice at dance end as others quality creators have done but evolve the microscene idea I suggested as partly seen in your prior work. Like branching paths within the time line. Make choice A at time B to get result C. Each time the scene could be potentially different but due to time constraints this could be kept to a few variations. I also like the idea of chance where regardless of user choice a random event can happen lol (you get slapped and called a pervert ;). But Most of all Keep inspiring the community today with an eye on tomorrow ;-D


I'm not very good at English, so I apologize if my interpretation of this topic is wrong. I think it is better to have fewer characters in a work. I often feel uncomfortable with the movement in terms of PC performance. It's best to have only one female character for my personal preference, so that you don't have to disable soft body physics, and you don't have to reduce the lighting, but the FPS won't drop as much. I think you can wait for VAM2 before making a big project.


i like the idea of going "back to the roots", since i still think that your first scenes are the best (good to see, that you start remaking them). i personally don't like the multi-character scenes at all (i find them a bit akward and uncanny honestly). also, i'm not a big fan of the super complex light shows and effects. i do think they are very well done artistically, but i feel that they are sometimes used as cover up for bland choreography and generic edm music. so my wish would be to take some inspiration from your earlier work and simply do fun and sexy single dancer choreographies with striptease elements to some catchy and fun tunes (see "dark horse", "hey mama" etc.). also less fog and less glowing orbs please. they look great, but also make every scene feel "otherwordly" and in the end make every scene feel similar... please don't take my critique too seriously. i still think, you're doing great work! i wouldn't be here otherwise.


No worries mate, your english is good enough :) We´re also no native speakers here. For us it´s always a hard choice of we implement more characters or not. The last show "Temple Overdose" could be nearly considered as VaM Benchmark. We went to the max with a lot of stuff there. I aggree with you a lot of things are going to be way more accessible with VaM 2.0. Until then we try very hard to fulfill everyones needs somehow and try to reduce the FPS impact.


The idea with great choreography somehow died since we know external devices are not suitable for VaM yet. With trackers, the headset (wich makes chrizzy actually blindfolded) and the cable on the back its nearly impossible to create choreographys like we intended before. But we know things will change and it will be possible in the future or even soon. Until then you might be right. We lost a bit of focus in creating something more unique (dancing/stroydancing) and sometimes repeat moves wich basically work great in this setup. We reached the maximum in how a show can look like in todays VaM version I guess. Time to start over from the roots and develop something new ;)


i never thought about you having to do the choreography blindfolded. it's probably quite challenging. maybe i'm wrong, but i was under the impression that your choreographies were somewhat affected by your decision to only go with royalty free music. i think your best, most fun and expressive choreos were done to pop-music by mainstream artists and this comes from someone who actually kinda dislikes pop-music.

Simplex X

I've really come to appreciate the quality of your content. The motion capture you create do an amazing job of avoiding the uncanny valley that so many other scenes plunge into. The stiff leg walks, or awkward robotic moments and weird eye looks really detract from the experience. It is why I come back to your scenes time and time again. Additionally, the Dance scenes are much easier to swap out models because they avoid a lot of the issues with model interaction such as collision distortion and missed docking. This is a long way of saying, I'm happy to see you move more towards lap dancing, or any type of scene where the models make a connection with the viewer. I think 'Designed for Possession" is one of my favorite effects, and having dances and interactions where the model comes into your personal space and through "auto expressions" and "Eye contact" really creates to the illusion of a real connection or interaction. Think of winking, blowing a kiss, smiling at, waving too coyly, moving close to, dropping clothing on, draping scarf around the target/viewer is such a way that makes you feel as if you are both there, and that there is a real interaction and flirtation. Think of how a spouse or partner might act, not a paid dancer. (if that makes sense). I hope whatever you do, you keep to your fundamentals and build not only something that is artistic, but also an experience that drawls you into the scene personally.

KamiGato (edited)

Comment edits

2021-10-24 04:24:11 Hey there! First of all thank you for the very kind words and also the big trust you´re giving in our work by supporting us that much! =D Honestly you got some really cool ideas according the "illusion of a real contact". Somehow a target to archive in the future for us. As technology get´s more and more advanced so we do. At least we try to. We´re giving a focus on future development also with more or less massive hardware upgrades we´re still looking to get sponsored / partnershipoed. We´ve got the "human hardware" to create magic people would hardly believe is possible but sadly it feels a bit like sitting in a jet without fuel. Today we need to push&pull the jet but we´re very optimistic in the future there might be a truck full of cerosine! ;) Long story short..:YES: This kind of feeling you described is something we actually want for every of our scenes. A "dancing only" scene is also able to produce an intimacy you wouldn´t believe. I mean, if you ever watched a dancer live performing there is so much detail and love in the moves. And this is still a damn long road to got. But we´ll do it and I bet we´ll success. Again, thanks for the nice words and your trust! Gato
2021-09-06 13:53:12 Hey there! First of all thank you for the very kind words and also the big trust you´re giving in our work by supporting us that much! =D Honestly you got some really cool ideas according the "illusion of a real contact". Somehow a target to archive in the future for us. As technology get´s more and more advanced so we do. At least we try to. We´re giving a focus on future development also with more or less massive hardware upgrades we´re still looking to get sponsored / partnershipoed. We´ve got the "human hardware" to create magic people would hardly believe is possible but sadly it feels a bit like sitting in a jet without fuel. Today we need to push&pull the jet but we´re very optimistic in the future there might be a truck full of cerosine! ;) Long story short..:YES: This kind of feeling you described is something we actually want for every of our scenes. A "dancing only" scene is also able to produce an intimacy you wouldn´t believe. I mean, if you ever watched a dancer live performing there is so much detail and love in the moves. And this is still a damn long road to got. But we´ll do it and I bet we´ll success. Again, thanks for the nice words and your trust! Gato

Hey there! First of all thank you for the very kind words and also the big trust you´re giving in our work by supporting us that much! =D Honestly you got some really cool ideas according the "illusion of a real contact". Somehow a target to archive in the future for us. As technology get´s more and more advanced so we do. At least we try to. We´re giving a focus on future development also with more or less massive hardware upgrades we´re still looking to get sponsored / partnershipoed. We´ve got the "human hardware" to create magic people would hardly believe is possible but sadly it feels a bit like sitting in a jet without fuel. Today we need to push&pull the jet but we´re very optimistic in the future there might be a truck full of cerosine! ;) Long story short..:YES: This kind of feeling you described is something we actually want for every of our scenes. A "dancing only" scene is also able to produce an intimacy you wouldn´t believe. I mean, if you ever watched a dancer live performing there is so much detail and love in the moves. And this is still a damn long road to got. But we´ll do it and I bet we´ll success. Again, thanks for the nice words and your trust! Gato