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Dear Patreons,

THIS is like a punch in the face....no....more like a dropkick in the stomach. Actually we have planned to release this GREAT MoCap this weekend...And damn, it was maybe the BEST dance we have ever produced so far. Now its gone. Destroyed by VaM itself.

Please dear Patreons trust us. We are not wasting time or trying to scam you. Look at the proof pictures above. This was a 230 seconds animation with a huge amount of triggers like never before. Maybe the system was "overloaded"? We dont know. We really have no clue what happened here. Its now just cut to 60 seconds! wtf?!

There went over 25+ hours studio-time into THIS scene only together with JEFF. This slows down the studio work drastically.

Does anybody know if there is a fix or something for this? Is it possible to get the animation back somehow? It happened out of the nowhere. Just by reloading the scene.

Today we are focussing on a new Promo-Video and maybe a public release of one of our MoCaps. We need to go public again somehow. Besides of that we are going to MoCap this Dance again TODAY and start to build this scene up again....we will not give up.

Stay with us!





I think I heard someone in the official discord having this problem like 4 months ago....I'd ask in the help channel.


Make a copy/backup of the scene before you try any fixes in case it breaks even more. Maybe if you can expand the timeline back up to original 230 seconds that all the triggers will reappear. Might be possible to manually edit the scene file and change a number there?


I am not good enough in coding to troubleshoot this problem by myself actually....:/ Thats not only the triggers wet to 60 seconds but the whole animation has been cut to 60 sconds. Even if I restore the timeline I dont know if the recorded animation still is there ( Gato )


The scene file (.json) is just text. Open it in text editor. Then look for this: "id" : "MotionAnimationMaster", "recordedLength" : "234.8154", "startTimestep" : "0", "stopTimestep" : "234.8154", Does it say 60 in yours? Or original length?


Not to distract from fixing this. I don't know enough about VAM yet to help. But also having learned the hard way years ago. Make backups. Using incremental system or something like software versioning system like git. It even makes it possible to go back to a earliers version easier. P.S. don't worry to much, you yourself will probally find it much worse losing so much work then us having to wait a month longer.


I don't really know how to edit VAM files but I just opened a scene JSON file in a text editor that contained animation. There is a huge list of all the animation visible there. It's listed by each node that is animated. so for example: I opened Sugar Planet in VAM and according to the scene animation window, the animation is about 232 seconds long. When I looked at the JSON file in a text editor, I found that each animated node has a listed position and rotation starting at 0 seconds and going to about 232 seconds. Its all easy to read. Here is a sample pasted below for the head node at frame 0 and a 2nd timestep at about .02 seconds: "id" : "headAnimation", "steps" : [ { "timeStep" : "0", "positionOn" : "true", "rotationOn" : "true", "position" : { "x" : "-0.1973741", "y" : "-0.09979641", "z" : "0.3658733" }, "rotation" : { "x" : "-0.5412523", "y" : "-0.05492838", "z" : "0.04756245", "w" : "0.8377152" } }, { "timeStep" : "0.02768639", "positionOn" : "true", "rotationOn" : "true", "position" : { "x" : "-0.1974812", "y" : "-0.1000404", "z" : "0.3657859" }, "rotation" : { "x" : "-0.5413479", "y" : "-0.05471975", "z" : "0.04756575", "w" : "0.8376669" } }, { So I believe you could open your JSON file and see how many seconds one of the animated nodes goes to. If you see timesteps past 60 seconds, then you know the data is still stored in the file. If its there, perhaps you could copy and paste it into a another simpler JSON file.


Sucks that this happened, but shit does happen. Still love your content, so keep them coming.


Hey there. Thank you for the advice. I was able to restore the Animation lenght but id didn´t affect the core problme. All triggers are still set to 60 seconds and also the animation stops at 60 seconds and is gone completely. I´ve uploaded a screenshot of the json file opened with the editor. It shows the end of the head animation set to round about 0 seconds....So yes, its finally gone and we need to redo everything...BUT we will make it even better! We wont sit around whining. Lets see how far we get next week ;) Lets start over again Gato


Sorry that happened. Its agonizing to lose work. You guys are the best and I always love your releases. I'm sure you will be saving multiple iterations of your scenes from now on :)


Might be a good time to adopt version control for next time - GIT is very popular for this kinda thing.


What! C&G Studio is human!? I'm not paying for this! =P Take your time. I am happy to see that your ambition is greater than the program can offer tbh. It's rare to have a content creator on any platform push the platform itself to the breaking point. I can't imagine any one is upset given the situation.

Tabitha Androse

I think you are pushing VAM to it's limits like someone mentioned in the comments above. Having said that, the content you put out is really really good and I would be more than happy to wait out for your next hit. Even if this bug can't be fixed, I'm sure the next content you put out will be great as well!


I am mix and maching now some script lines from other recording takes of this MoCap. seems to work so far ;)


Well actually we´re saving 2 files for every svene. On "work" and one "safe" file...And its kind of suspicious both files ended up in beeing destroyed


I tried editing with Notepad++ but wow its so slow for huge mocap files. Are you able to work with these huge text files easily?


*sing* are we human...or are we dancer...:P thank you! we will keep the ambition ;)


Actually I dont know if we´re really hitting the limits or if it was just a "dumb" mistake....The future will show I guess since our shows will develop further. Thank you anyway for the nice words! (Gato)


GIT version control can prevent this kinda thing cause it can save many many versions of your files all the way back to the beginning. I use it for work a lot. Tortoise GIT is an easy way to do it.


When working on a scene I always save at least 4 versions in rotation (save to file 1, then to file 2, 3, 4, then back to 1, 2, etc), so if I broke something a while back and didn't realize it I can still recover (I should use version control software though). Also, after saving a new version the first thing I *always* do is immediately reload it and play it through so I know right away I didn't break anything


Have you thought about running backups all the time during intense build scenarios? Snapshot every 10 or 15 minutes so that in even of this happening again, you only have to roll back a small amount of time, and be able to restore pre-destruction, and even use that to figure out, maybe, what the glitch is.