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*UPDATE* - Light Fix

We have fixed the Bug witch caused the MoCap go totally dark in the middel of the song. We apologize for the  inconvinience and hope you still have a greaaaaat time! :)

Please just download the fixed version below. Thank you



Original Post:

With this release we are adding one more dance focussed MoCap to our inventory you can enjoy. Although the focus is on dancing the girl dances with YOU. She even turns around you to dance with your back in a sequence.
With this release you also get an improvement out of the community wish list you have asked about frequently and we have been working on some time -->The restart button

The button is located leftside on the ground next to you and also works in desktop mode.
By time we will update our "Top MoCaps" with this new Button feature and make an seperate post with a mega link for you.
Please let us know if there are any bugs with the button.

PLEASE NOTE: Pushing the restart button works best after the animation ends or the model is freezed in a most likely neutral pose in the MoCap.
You need to know/imagine that you are forcing the Model to go back to "position 0 in 0 seconds". Even with the limiter plugin this might cause the model to explode and/or force unnatural bone behaviours.


You gave us a looooot of feedback witch perspective you like the most and we thought about it. In the future if there will be a MoCap where a male person would be "nice to have" but is NOT necessary ( like in sexual oriented MoCaps) there will be two versions.

Version 1: Dummy Version

Version 2: NO Dummy Version

The skin of the dummy is replaceable with any male skin you prefer. So the focus lies on gaining some more FPS. With the upcoming VaM 2.0 we will replace the dummy with a regular male skin.
On the other hand you have the No Dummy version so there is nothing but you and the girl dancing. Both sides seem legit. We hope you are happy with this decision.

We hope you are having a great time!


- make sure to have at least 30 - 45 FPS in order to keep synced with the audio
(Update: we approved for our MoCaps that it increases the framerate to set the physics FPS to 45! in the main graphics tab) Thank you for the suggestions!

- How to run?
-> freeze motion/sound (checkbox) ->load VAC file ->let everything load up -> defreeze motion/sound (checkbox)

- Desktop user might brighten up the scene a bit




I think this one has the most natural looking movements. I was really impressed. But was the scene supposed to go completely dark when she goes behind the user? It goes pitch black for like 12 seconds.

Darren Machisi

Can’t wait to try it! One suggestion since you added a button is to add a start button! So then you don’t have to ask for users to freeze the scene before which I often forget to when loading a scene. Better if the scene doesn’t start until you are ready to go!


Hey there, thank you for the feedback! Does this bug appear in both versions and frequently? Or did it just happen one or two times? Greetings, Gato


happens to me too. both versions go completely dark at that same monent.


this is a fantastic scene. i especially liked when she comes in close and intimate, especially since I was possessing the dummy, made for a great moment. This would be perfect if the song and dance were slower, more of a grind, more intimate. I was also thrilled i could change the look and have it not break the animation which happens often. One thing you guys should look at is the angle of the hands. in lots of your animations the hands tend to go into that upward, awkward angle which takes away from the immersion. Keep up the great work!


Great animation. Very lifelike.


great eye contact and intimacy.


great! need more of these!


Thank you! Great feedback! Yes the hands are reeeeeally hard sometimes to control in an natural way. Maybe its because of the Vive controller

Darren Machisi

When you stand in just the right spot on this scene it really feels like you're dancing with this gal! She really makes me feel like she is interacting with me and not just doing some animation. Amazing job as always!