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***Update: Supporter Release****

Get ready for a lucid dream with this one. After yesterdays final edits Gato said: " Wow.....honey we can´t wait....this is soooo intense! Our supporters need to have this exclusive so badly!"
Leave a a feedback if you want :) We are at the very beginning. YOUR opinion is our improvement!

*NOTE: important technical information*
- 2 versions included. One version "rain cut" without rain because we noticed a small amount of motion sickness due testing.
- For VAM creators! : 2 Screenshots included for custom HEAD AUDIO and MISC PHYSICS settings
- Model in the Scene is a C&G modified version of a community made model by u/xstatic38 ( more information in the README file )

****1 Month exclusive for "Dancer" and "Dance come true" *****



How the hell did I miss this one! I just noticed it now and had a look at it. I love it! I really am impressed with your artistic ability and the use of the spot light and then lighting it up in parts only. Love the model and choice of clothes too. That dress is so sexy. Wish VAM would fix the problem with clothes going in/out of the model body parts though - seems to be still something strange with collision detection. Also it's a pity the the lip sync / mouth movement is not the best yet either... it is more like "Thunderbirds" super-marionette right now :-) Aw well, hopefully will improve some time. Not your fault. I think I have ran out of $3 stuff to watch.. probably will have to see the $5 stuff soon! ;-)


Thank you very much for your kind words! :) yes it was a lot of work and testing since we released but it was worth every minute. For us it was one of the most sensual MoCaps. The pity with the lip sync is real. We tried to make it better with the "call me" MoCap but still seems to be a bit marionette like. Also we tried to set up the lip sync plug-in avalible on reddit. But that was a total disaster xD. Half of the people love the lip sync and half of it hate it haha. So we will always add two versions of MoCaps witch meant to be lip synced in the future. One with no lip-sync and the other with lip-sync since the problem will be solved. With the clothing we had a lot of work too. The problem is that VaM has significant issues handling fast movements because of the implemented physics. Our main target in the future is to reduce "bouncyness" right in the MoCap process in order to make it more realsitic in the post processing. Still a long road to go with a lot of experiments. Thank you for your tier update too! :) Now you will miss nothing :D