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Nazuna from "Call of the night" anime. The one has really nice soundtrack btw, also UwU song is very uwuwu~ hehehe

Im slowly moving from Maya to Blender, trying new things out. Next big animation will have forest as environment so im not sure if 3d will help me a lot there but probably can make some references for myself, I will try at least! 

But im much more comfortable with drawing indoors to be honest ^^' Im still in panic about all that trees and bushes I will need to draw omg xD

Well... the process is going, will show you some lined scenes in a few days I think.

This month I got some important papers I need for my moving also! But Im still stuck on the moment when I need to open a bank account in a country where I will be moving into and rent apartments for a year there. The issue is that after all sanctions and war started is became much harder. Like to open a bank account I need to prove that I have rented apartments in that country and to rent apartments I need a bank account. Sends me in a loop ;c Also that cough I cant cure! Im like..umm..coughing a lot and have feeling that I have not enough air. Ive visited some doctors and did many blood tests and they arent sure what causes that, but they have some ideas. Still need to make allergy test and visit gastroenterologist but the one in the clinic which has all my tests in just took a vacation or something and I need to rather wait for 2 weeks or to go very far from where I live to their other hospital >< Sad times

Btw Ive managed to play Hogwarts a bit! So much fun! Very nice game, Im playing it only 1-2 hours a day just after work and before I go to sleep so I will play it for long I think xDD No story spoilers please! Haha

Have you played anything good this month? Or maybe watched a nice show you liked? I would like to know :3 




oh that's sounds exciting when you get to know how to use blender


I'm sure your move will all work out in the end, just hang in there 💪

Bluedragon3399 .

Hopefully you will find out the reason why are you coughing so much Im watching The Last of us its sooooo good like the Game :D i Had so much fear they fuck it Up but its a masterpiece

Rangerman s

Sons of the Forest came out on the 23rd. really fun survival game

KC The Insanity

Not sure where you lived prior or where you’re moving too, but it could have something to do with the elevation and/or humidity. I know the first time I moved to somewhere with a higher humidity I was coughing up a lung for several weeks, and I know several people that always felt out of breath for several months when they moved to the mountains due to the higher elevation. If tests and such are coming back negative those are the only things I can think of. Idk if that helps or not, but honey-lemon tea helps great for soothing throats and coughs. It’s a home remedy I’ve tried several times that’s helped. Basically just warm water, honey, and a few drops of lemon juice, at least if you don’t want an actual tea lol. Ginger tea also helps.