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Nami from One Piece!

Hello. I wish it was an ordinary month, buuuuuuut... Shit happened. I usually don't get into politics here because this is not the place for politics. But now is a special case. I have talked with my European and American friends and, as it turned out, they have no idea what is really happening in Russia. So I want to talk a bit about it.

Here is some accurate post Ive stumbled on reddit.

"Putin has gone completely mad and we, Russians, have no means of stopping him. Why don't we protest against the war? Any and all opposition is physically eradicated: killed, jailed or threatened into silence. Protesting is illegal, any mass gathering will be immediately destroyed with mass beatings, water cannons and torture in police stations afterwards. Even if you manage to voice your opinion on the streets in a completely legal way, you will be arrested anyway because fuck you. You can be beaten, brought to court and jailed for a like under a random social media post (just like this post) if a police officer sees it when he needs to improve his statistics. 

I don't even get what he wants to achieve. Petty revenge for disobedience? Mindless landgrab? Sincere delusion about Ukraine being evil? I don't know and I'm not sure I even want to know. All I see is that they aren't even trying to look realistic. All "direct broadcasts" of their gatherings are badly pre-recorded, all decisions are taken in advance. Their speeches make me feel like I'm reading a really bad satiric novel. It looks like even Putin's closest comrades are afraid of him and don't know what he's doing or thinking. " 

Nowadays Russian TV doesn't even show anything about the war. And only on the fourth day they reported that there were some losses among our soldiers. As if there was no war during all this time. And when we, Russians, show our parents and people who do not have access to alternative sources of information what is really happening in Ukraine now, they cannot believe us. "Are you sure it's true?" they answer. It is impossible to believe that such cruelty comes from your country. I don't support it. No normal person in Russia will supports this. Anyone who supports this war is either misinformed by tons of propaganda or a propagandist himself. Putin is trying to hide the truth from the Russians because no Russian would ever want to go to war with Ukraine. Only Putin wants to fight against Ukraine.

As for me, I'm safe. But, a couple of hours ago, Putin announced the preparation of nuclear weapons (who even threatens with nuclear weapons in the real world????). In the worst case, I will not have time to release the animation. But I have almost finished it!!! I stopped payouts from patreon so that no money comes to Russian banks. Just in case... At least until the war is over. I have some money (I saved up for a move ;_;), which depreciated 2 times in 2 days, lol. I have enough for a while. Just in case, I'll stock up on canned food for myself and cat food for cats tomorrow!

With this post I can be jailed for treason up to 20 years of imprisonment xD No joke

#nowar #нетвойне




Stay strong 🖤




Stay safe


Be safe. Stock up. Bunker down.


Please stay safe we all ❤ you!!!!


I'm legit so sorry tbh it's super interesting seeing things from the other side and honestly it doesn't surprise me as a soldier from the US tho I'd like to make sure you know the majority of us don't see you as our enemy but your government and I hope the absolute worst case doesn't have to come to be. This whole situation is horrible and it's good to see y'all aren't blind to the realities of all this

Diesel Benson

Keep yourself safe, hopefully this will be over soon.


I'll keep you in my thoughts٫ wishing you the best. 💕 Things are so crazy. Thank you for the update. Be as safe as possible


Be safe, stock up, do what ya gotta do. Sympathy for you, your family, and cats from the US.


Stay safe, hopefully this we be all over soon

Bluedragon3399 .

Jesus...... Unbelievable in what times we are living Stay Strong and be safe you and your Family, friends etc.... Let's Just Hope this Nightmare will be soon over

Video Card Gamer

I pray for your safety. Good luck.


I know everything happens for a reason but what the fuck?


Stay safe Eipril 🙏


Best of luck, I hope things get better, both for Russian people and the Ukrainian people


Ukraine is ripping Russian soldiers so far hopefully it ends soon with either a draw or ceasefire for negotiations, either way stay strong and safe from danger

Tim Diesel

Stay safe!🙏


stay healthy🙏


Stay Safe Eipril


You have all our support in that tough moment of life. It's not Russia that's in war but Putin. He made that himself, declared war himself, him, against the almost whole world. I'm not sure about his reasons, but whatever they are, they don't justify invasion and killing innocent population. The problem is that russian people is now paying for his madness. ...let's hope that it doesn't get worse... (best regards from France)


I mean Russia has done stupid stuff before. Just like with that one time with the airport that Russia gave away in a diplomatic way, just suddenly wanna take it back forcefully. And that was with the Ukraine as well if I remember correctly. So seeing this happen again against Ukraine from Russia, is just stupid now, but much worse. I do hope this goes over soon because there are a lot of good people in Russia that gets hurt over this.

Ember Valeno

Holy shit, low key that's pretty damn brave to post this. I'm glad you're staying safe but if you need to delete this for your own saftey I think we get it. Please please PLEASE stay safe, I can't imagine what it's like for you all and I hope things turn out for the better soon. Much love from USA

Video Card Gamer

It’s because the Russian government is the cruelest there is. They are the definition of slavery and injustice. They treat their citizens like slaves.


Schiesse that sounds rough, I’ve been talking to people on all sides of the conflict(from Russia,Ukraine,Germany, etc) and its a lot of worry and fear overall. I don’t live anywhere near the conflict but I have seen the effects it has on the people and their emotions overall. Hopefully you are able to make it out alright and continue this content ✌️


Stay safe


You have all my support even if you don't post for a while don't worry about that. But for gods sake, stay safe.


Stay safe and hope your economy doesn't get worse. I can't imagine the regular citizens suffering for the mistake of one person. 🙏🙏


Wishing you all the best, Eipril. This whole thing is stupid, frustrating to watch from Canada. Everyone's afraid of Nuclear war if this gets worse, we'd all lose in that scenario. I'm alright with it if you leave the monthly donations on, at least then I know I'm directly helping someone especially in your current situation. Be well and be safe, looking forward to hearing your updates in the future! :)


Stay safe Eipril. We are happy to hear that your doing ok right now. We are all hoping that this all blows over soon and it doesn't get any worse. Please stay safe and we look forward to hearing any updates from you


Stay safe and healty,Eipril. I think we all wish all the love and care for you,even in these harsh times❤. I would reccomend to delete this post for your safety,but its very brave what you did and if we can somehow continue to send some money without some russian bank involved,i would glady do(dont want you to suffer from a madman💜). All love from Romania


Sending you all the love and support I can from Texas.


Stay safe! I hope our payments can reach you ASAP. Let us know if there's anything we can do to help! BTW, I think this video does a good job explaining what Putin is after (hint: oil and gas money) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=If61baWF4GE


It sucks that this is happening! Wishing you the best!!!


Да все в шоке с этого, ни кто не хотел этого. Находимся фактически в заложниках у обезьяны с ядерной гранатой в руке. Yes, everyone is shocked by this, no one wanted this. We are actually held hostage by a monkey with a nuclear grenade in his hand.


Stay safe Eipril!! Lets hope it doesn't become much worse than this.


good luck and stay safe


Hey, sorry I read your last message so late! - What you describe here sounds like something I heard about Stalins times, hope you and your Family and friends make it through!