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  • UnderBed-1-1-59.mp4



Hey there! I've decided to post animatic before it is final.

I wanted it to be final before posting, buuuut....Honestly Im having small issues with finishing it because I still havent recieved a part of lines from my voice actors and I cant settle the right timings in some place here ;(

Tho that does not mean I've stopped the production! I've just started to line up the scenes which have no need in voice lines ^^

So please dont be confused by some static images and bugs in this sketch xD It is intended to be that way hehehe

Video is in attach



Roy Vulpes™

I'm excited to see what it will turn out to be!

Capn Redbeard

Wow, there's a lot of room under that bed! Very nice, I can't wait to see the final product.


god, these two are just so adorable together


OMG I would love to see this in coulor with Sound *-* this is going to be great I love your Artwork

Skeleton Man

OMG I love it! the ending is soo sexy and silly at the same time!


O...M...G!!!! My god that is so good! I can't wait for the color/audio!! soooo good!💜


Wow, I love, I can't explain with words how happy this makes me! Animatic is going to look brilliant when fully done, sure brightened my day 😁 being a voice actor souds awesome!


These two are too damn cute




Oh I can't wait for this to be completed, it's really good. Puhuhuhuhuhuhuh.


Cute ending

Tyler Reise

That ending got me pretty good, looking forward to color and va :)


Do what you can, we all know you can deliver the best 😁


Love your stuff - take your time!

D.j. Arnold

Loved that ending lol


These two are too cute, I've never seen anything better lol. That ending is terrific, and honestly you can take your time to finish this one. This couple is always worth the wait XDXD


I loved the sketch vid! Is it wrong that I want this couple to have a child together? Also the ending was hilarious! The perv in me wanted the sis to join…