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More and more people ask me if I have a Discord server soooo I thought maybe I should create it? A Discord server connected to patreon. Do you want it or not? Im not sure if I should create it, and Im not sure if I would manage to heavily participate in it so im asking for your opinion ^^ What do you think?

As for me - I have no idea for what reasons my Discord server should exist xD Like is it for porn discussion or what? Cause I am not ready to discuss such a thing :c

Also I have issues with being talkie. I mean if I start chit-chatting it is hard to stop me. And it affects my work HEAVILY. My productivity falls very much. This is the reason why I've declined almost every chat Ive used to be in, except family and etc ^^""""""

Overall poll is more for me to understand what people think about this idea. Feel free to tell your thoughts also.

Thank you! ^^



It would be cool to just discuss miscellaneous topics with random folks.

Golden Walrus

Hey! As someone who has built several servers with 500+ users, I’d love to be of assistance if you need setup help. It’s fairly easy to separate the porn chat from regular chat!


I wouldn’t mind a place for eipril supporters to chat though I do understand the stress that comes with having to moderate such a server. Whatever is best for you (and keeps the juicy art coming) is best!


Discord could be a platform where all your fans could be together and connect with each other, and to share art. You could use it as a platform to make announcements. Also as an artist, it isn't necessary to be talkitive because everyone should know there's a lot of work artists do. A discord server would be a great bonus to being a patreon member. Also you could have moderators that could make sure rules are followed so you don't have to worry about doing everything


I would love to see a server for everyone who supports you, your art, and animations



Clayton Bailey

Would be a fun way to connect with you more.


Anyway we can show support I'm all in for, even if you don't talk much we'll be supporting you all the way

Ember Valeno

Tbh I suck at trying to engage in the Furry community but this would probably be really helpful for that XD


Discord add another way to share your content and to do fun community things! Even though I see NSFW being a major part of it I also see us connecting with you in an SFW fashion along with say us posting stuff we get of our own OC's and inspiration for art ideas while there. Honestly I would just love to meet new people so a new discord would be awesome! Either way with or without I'll still love your art no matter what!!!


In terms of interaction with you, a discord would be nice however if it something that easily distracts you and takes away from your work I think we can all live without it. I’ll support you either way lol

Nikoh Simonds

I discord would be nice for a community, and even possibly for days when you just want a quick response from some people. The overall I wouldn't want you to force yourself too much I would like one.


Only problem is see, is people stealing your art to out out there, unless your discord is old stuff you already put on Hub or your old stuff


I feel discord should only be used to better interact with your supporters. But shouldn't be used if it will greatly distract from your work. Overall I feel that discord could be a good thing


General understanding of using Discord, is to talk to people and getting ideas if you are an artist or a developer of a project. But I suggest to never post your stuff on Discord (unless low res version), but allow people know of any new updates or changes from Patreon.


Yeah! I'd love to be part of the conversation more often!


I can only agree with the previous comments, it would be nice to get updates and chat like that, but I wouldn't let others influence me there and only put in artdumps if at all and no final pictures. ^^


I think a server is a good idea. But I’m not very talkative and I struggle holding conversations :)


I wouldn't use time and energy on administration of yet another platform. Then again, I'm not a social media person. I enjoy reading your posts and comments here on Patreon though :)


Typically it’s just for your fans to easily communicate with each other, and creators just about never talk on their own discord servers. It’s also another place to make announcements or things of the sort.


It's honestly hard to say, hun. There are a lot of positives and negatives to consider, but at the end of the day, the choice is entirely up to you. Just do whatever you feel is best for you and sits best inside of your comfort zone. We'll support ya no matter what :)

Daniel Drew

It is nice to have one, but I’m part of a bunch of servers and I barely check them lol. Maybe once a month or maybe longer if I just forget about them XD.


easier to post WIP's or to stream whilst working I see a lot too. not so much the creator not posting or talking at all but its a lot less then say fans who are just taking and discussing amongst themselves


Never got Discord, am more of an IRC man myself


Don't have a problem with discord but I am in so many server that I could not add your server to my list lol. Of course I don't check them regularly.

Rosetta Roman

Yeah I'm in the max servers now and its messy enough, I vote neh, patreon is enough, if you make a discord I probably won't join bc I'm in too many


You just go at your own pace. If you're worried Discord will take away from what you've worked hard to build then don't take the chance. A server for your artwork and general discussion would be another way to help develop your community, though. I think some folks are already petitioning to help you set it up, check the other comments!

Bird is the word

Personally ? I love discord, I mod/admin a few communities, but it takes a lot of time and effort, but you do what you feel is best, also make sure you read over all the ToS too, wouldn't want you creating a server for it to be banned in a week.

Falcon Darkshadow

I think its a thing to have… Discord is one of those sites/apps that was initially for gaming, but has since become more. For instance, my best friend has kinda like a tech blog/tutorial that he runs/hosts himself (https://www.infotoast.org/site/). He uses discord to get people help if they need it. Or there are other animators that I know of that has 2 discords. He’s rarely active there, but fans constantly talk there and discuss art. Also, occasionally He does stream himself drawing to an audience of a certain Patreon tier. To be honest, if people want to join the discord server, if you decide to make one, they will. I own/mod some discords myself… People come and go… In any case, as a long term Discord user, and with my personality when it comes to Discord, I want to say yes, try it out. But, if you think it will be more detrimental to your workflow, then don’t. Either way, I’m still here and support you! ;)

Falcon Darkshadow

Also. If you decide that having a Discord is something that you want, I can help you out with mod/admin/developing it, as can others here in this comments section… ^^


You can hire mods and pretty much leave it to them, no work nessicary! For you I'm sure many would do it free of charge


I thought about the Discord Server and all I can say it's either good or bad - on the Pro side it allows you a quick access to your own community, on the bad side you have to infest some time in it and maybe some people cause trouble.


I am honestly infatuated with what you do, it would be disappointing if your work became ultered in a negative way, a discord server sounds like it could be cool but it seem like you just want to do what you love rather than make some kind of talk show or something. You're the best furry animator!!!

Falcon Darkshadow

I would do it for free; I love doing it. It lets me see the inner workings of staff positions, but also allows me to do something that not everyone gets to have. Also, lets me improve my leader skills which is something I REALLY need for my job later on when I get promoted :>


I think if she finds a good team of admins it would be a great idea


I heavily relate to the whole "being too talkative" thing and I feel a little bad for having poked you a few times here on account of that, haha It'd be a pleasure to speak with you, but if you'd rather just be left to yourself that would be alright too! Not like it'll stop me from fawning over your characters and your content~


I think I'm late to talk about this lol, but I think a Discord server would be nice for your audience to interact with each other and also to give some news. But that's your decision and no one else's ^^