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Hola! You know what? It was snowing tonight! Now everything is white and our big malls started to placing different decorations and !!! christmas menu xD Sa many christmas tastes to try!

As some of you can remember I've started one animation about office at the beginning of the month but...My plans has changed and now I do "Homemade" one :D I still think it was a good decidion though it lead to a mass time loss. Like I was working on office anim for first 1.5 weeks and couldnt show anything cause it is the very early preparations. Though when I get back to this anim it will has 1.5 weeks boost :D

Hmmm...Also this month was very dangerous - I washed my cats! Ive found in the internet that you can easily wash the cat using washing bag. And decided to try it. Maine-coons are pretty much stronk kitties and it was always a pain to hold them till washing. Weeeelll..I took the cat, took washing bag, put it on the cat pretty tight so only her head was out. Everything was goood by that moment and I've put her in the water. 3 seconds lated she becomes crazy omg it was scaryyyyy!! She got her paw half outside and made a loose on her neck and ribs. Other 3 paws cut the bag into pieces. I've managed to get her and put out of the water, she looked like a ham lol. Gladly I took scissors so I could free her fast. So this is not a good lifehack xD After she calmed I took her, put on back paws, put front to the side of the bath, sit behind and stepped a bit at the start of her tail so she wont want to jump and then I washed her freely. After and others two but it was damn scaryyyyyyy

Dont wash your cat in a washing bag xD

Tomorrow Blizzcon will start! Cant wait what news they will bring to us. I and reading warcraft chronicles atm, fount it pretty much interesting. I bet they will announce new warcraft addon and new diablo game also warcraft and OW2 so this should be super-interesting!

This month I did a bit more cartoon-ish picture. Character is Star Butterfly from Stars vs forces of evil series. I like its opening sooo much, I've had it as my ringtone for several years xD Like the animation there.

Hope you will like it! Also happy Halloween everyone! Gotta go and watch "In the tall grass", Stephen King's one OwO Hope it will be cool.

Have a nice time!!





Richard Awesome

My old Maine-coon used to bloody up my arms when I'd put him in the tub. I grew immune to the sting. Lol