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Heya! Remember this animated movie? Its from Treasure planet! It is sooo goood. And the song "I'm still here" just omg, I have goosepumps everytime I listen to it (Espesually Ru version, Jim's voice there is the best). If you didnt watch it - go and do it! It is a very cool cartoon about space, pirates and adventures!

Aaaand...First of all I've posted one extra picture cause I just found it interesting. I mean it was an accedent I got it, I've turned every color off except glow and his arm so it looks like he is inside the flow, whoooosh. Just wanted to share xD

I've spent a lot of my resting time this month on studying. Yeah, Ive began to try to renew my skills. Im watching and reading a lot, doind different drawing exarcises, learning new soft. I believe it will help me to improve my speed and, most importantly, quality of my arts and animations! Like why I want to increase my speed - because I want to make animations longer I guess. I have multiple stories Id like to tell you, But the production of them with my current speed will take more than 3 months and I dont like it. So, its training time! :D

Also Im on a diet atm, no sugar, no bread, no sweet water OwO Wanted to have 2-3 kilos to go off. And you know what. I have never wanted to eat one good hot juicy cheesburger as I want it now xD Well, In a month I've lost 2kg and 1-2 more to go, so I think it is not the time to stop :p

October incoming and that means a start of new Inctober. I've still havent decided if I will participate in it or nox x( I guess I have one day left!!

Well, I did a wall of text about nothig, agaaain xD Haha

Hope you will like this month's Furrysation! Hd in attach! Have a nice day! ;3

PS. Oh! Just got an idea. Maybe If you have sonas and want me to draw you - you can share and I might draw it as Inctober thing(If I actually decide to participate in it xD)! So, feel free to share your sona in comments if you want to get a sketch picture from me ^^ It will be SFW!



Koyu Dai

Ooffr fricken love treasure planet!💕


Very nice indeed. Also, I'd like to enter in my OC... Unfortunately, I only have a headshot, but I hope it works Her name is Kydros Elizabeth LeSaki https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/623939359451775027/624101316423057408/JPEG_20190728_174919.jpg


this artwork is top tier keep up the good work.

Koyu Dai

https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=1iUAMvlAuU12-sT4EZKw7PXLpCP3QjBqF Few images of my oc. Thanks for the chance!

Skeleton Man

Its a really good movie!, awesome artwork! Good luck with the diet, its awesome to get the result you want but its really hard not to stray from the diet.


Hey, best of luck on the diet! Been trying to lose some weight myself, so I'm cheering for ya! Also, here is my FA, has some pictures of my bat fursona in there if you wanna try a sketch! https://www.furaffinity.net/user/waffles814/


Wow! Great work, and I loved that movie and 'I'm still here' is a really good song too

cittran genericlastname

Honestly, if you drink any alcohol, cutting that out will also help you lose weight.


Ohhh, honestly, I dont drink any alcohol at all ^^ And never was. Just dont like the taste of it


I haven't watched Treasure Planet in a long time. I should rewatch it sometime. Your art is already so good that I can't imagine how much better it can get but we believe in you. And good luck with your diet and Inktober!


I miss this movie so much and love the artwork! 🥰


Do non-furry OC's count? I wouldn't even mind if they were furrified though.


Hey! Really cool piece! Treasure Planet was such a fun movie. I got to meet the lead art director from it last year and we had an awesome conversation about concept arts and whatnot. Treasure Planet is such a good movie and I’m learning “I’m Still Here” because I adore the Goo Goo Dolls’ music. Good luck with your diet plan! Glad to hear you’re making progress and keepin to it. Anyway thanks for the opportunity to get some sketches. I’ll throw a few in the link below for you to look at. One of the OC’s is my girlfriend’s, whom is just in there too. Thanks again for the opportunity. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/152mvAd-q8e3zJP-BLR47eF1hKO9_fC2L


I really hope I'm not too late for this opportunity, but here's my ref in case you get around to it :D. You have a wonderful Halloween Eipril! Love your stuff as always! https://www.furaffinity.net/view/31585413/