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Its time for monthly furrysation!

Im so sorry all my postings got usually posted on the last week on the month...It is happen just because I do not shedule posts and do not save up anything for next month, but just post it as soon as it got finished. And at last I have so many stuff to do that It just takes a whole month to show you something worthy! But im trying :3

Oh, Ive bought some new soft, maybe I will change from Sai to Photoshop again soon haha

Yesterday I got to go to get some docs and it was sooooo warm in the morning and just I got docs it is started to rain soooo much, it was a heavy storm. I should admit I was very scared to go with umbrella on cause lightnings were just above my head, creeepy! Also got all wet, some roads were full of water, water was higher that the upper side of my shoes. Rip my white converse boots, I liked you xD

On the next week my mom will take one of my cats to live with her, cause mom is bored to live without meh. Anyway we are visiting eachother 1-2 times a week so I hove I will not miss  my kitty either ^^ The only thing I worry about is that she will stay at home for a long day all alone and she used to me, who are at home almost all the time. Well, will look for her for some first time. ^^ If she will get too sad being alone at home mom will get her back to me.

Ohhh I think I will make myself a tiny weekend tomorrow and go to ikea! I need a shelf and omg I will get heir super-duper tasty meatballs, yummmm! Cant wait till tomorrow hahha xD

Well, talking about this months furrysation please meet Shiina Mashiro from Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo anime. This is also a charecter someone offered to furrysate ^^

Hope you will like her! Shes such a kitty! I bet shes very soft and warm :3

Enjoy please and happy upcoming summer!!!

HD in attach <3




She is so cute :3


Holy smokes my suggestion was actually created! She's absolutely wonderful!


Super cute!


Don't know the OG but she is very cute! Most of the cats I've had are pretty independent, so she'll probably be fine. Especially with frequent visits. Enjoy your mini weekend!


Mignonne ! ^^


Eipril, I love your work, but Please Work On Your Grammar while typing! It's hard for me to know what you are trying to explain when you post stuff with your latest uploads!


English is not my native language, but im trying ¯\_(ツ)_/¯