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Hello! Im glad to tell you sound work on Counterplay animation is almost done but we stuck with an issue...Which music will sound good as background? I mean I absolutely not familiar with the game itself but I need something as a reference to give to sound engee. Hmmmm, any ideas? Maybe any themes from the game will fit as ref?

We do not use already existing songs or music but we need a reference to write something by our own.

Help will be much much much appreciated ^^ 



I would suggest the kindred login screen music as a reference. https://youtu.be/aB_DbCpFvHA


It's been awhile since i played but i believe their is no music when you actually play lol, just foot taps, attacks, and the announcer. The only music you'll hear is in the login screen so you can try to use kindred's free flowing style of music like zephyr's suggested


I do like kindred's theme. On it's own though, it is a rather calm sounding piece. Rengar's theme is more fast paced. https://youtu.be/0axsibJhIco Warwick's theme could give some neat ideas. https://youtu.be/RGssFVA3auQ

Lucien black

honestly dont have an opinion here, i rarely play, i know all the pretty female characters through porn xD


Nope! Don't have any opinion sadly thought


You need help with the ingame soundtrack from League of Legends? No problem. I think your "story" plays in the Summoner's Rift so it would be the best, when you use the tracks from there. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iy6YDd5iHB4 Download-Link is in the discription.


If this is music meant for everyone, then I'd suggest any game music without that shit called Rap! Because not everyone likes or wants to listen to any Rap as much as nobody wants to see an idiot with his/her pants/shorts/skirt below their ass! Seriously, no one wants to see your underwear or your exposed butt!


Personally I'd like to see lower garments below the ass. That's how you know it's worth watching, if you get my drift.