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  • RR_COMPOSE.mp4



Daaaaamn! A. Lot.

I dunno what to say, but I definitely want to hear what you think about it :3




oml its amazing


Love it!


There is so much uumf~ to be had here. Great work as always! \o3o/

Richard Awesome

Wow! You've really outdone yourself on this one. Look forward to more.


That bush


Sexy bush lol it's noicey~~


Wait... I know this is supposed to be porny stuff, and not supposed to be making sense, but the random contents of that basket, once dropped, set off a reaction that made a plume of smoke just large enough to change that person to a female, and then just instantly dissapears. I wanna say that's kidna convoluted, but.... I had to stop and facepalm at this. C'mon. You're more creative than that.


nice cant wait to see this with sound i can just imagine at the end a while bunch of howling love this piece


I don't get how that's top opened up over spilling her basket. Other than that it fits in on how the rest of your animations go into play. Like playing with one part of her body than straight into sex.


I can't wait to see this in color


Oh man, this one needs sound!


0ω0 Just Say OMG!


This is absolutely amazing


I love the ending with all the eyes!

Skeleton Man

OMG this is awesome!!! cant wait to see it finished and maybe a part 2? XD great work!!


Even though this is critism on a high level, and this animation is huge already, maybe it helps: I didnt even get that it was a gender transformation at first. Just thought she'd been naked suddenly. Maybe you should animate a scene where his cock explicitly gets sucked into his own body and breasts pop out. Like it is now, I was thinking this was red riding hood and female to begin with. (Which could also be a storyline. Then you wouldn't have to do any gender transformation). Also, since I'm a great fan of creampies, I'd like to suggest a view from below the wolves cock were you see a first drop of cum spilling out, as he cums. (so before 1:18).

Nikki Carmello

oh wow i didn't notice it was a gender bent at all lol I though that stuff that poured out was something that made her boobs bigger and ya know animal kingdom they take what they want. there is no rape.


All I can say is... whoa O_O

Lucien black

It’s neat, she’s hot too, but I feel like they don’t fuck long enough


wowie wow

Jeff Hollis

Very well done, looking forward to see where this one goes. :)


Haha, sorry I've dissapointed you xD But this is a thing in this one. This chara is Arcanis, he is a male cat-alchemist, who create different potions, most usually the ones which change your sex :0 Gender-bender potions. So this is not a random cat, I just have had no opportunity to tell his pre-story ^^'' Will write about it under the finished animation though! And thank you for the comment! I hope now. with knowing story, it doesnt look so generic xD


It was gender-bender potion...Hmmm...It will be more obvious with sound added ;3


Well done!


Never go the Wrong way. Bad Things happens º-º That animation is great


eipril do you mind use your animations for animation studying?

Riot Goes Woof

Fantastic. Love it entirely. Can't wait to see it finished


I adore it! I can't wait to see it finished ^.^


@Eipril, are you currently accepting commissions? I've been wanting my own fursona, but haven't found anyone to draw one for me. Mainly cuz I suck at drawing :(.


i hope this one has a lot of cum sounds maybe an inter view too of the cock gushing cum into her? im full of ideas


Damn, she's cute, and she's not even colored yet...


Looks great so far. I will say black got a point, if it's possible I'd like to see a few extra loops of the different fucking senses to save you on drawing. It's just an idea though, I'm paying for you to do you! :)


Uh... while I LOVE your art style and fluid animation and such... I care for rape not at all... I'm afraid I find myself unable to give any constructive feedback for this particular animation.


Although sudden, it does seem like shes enjoying it, will have to wait for colored and possibly sounds to know for sure though