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Meg from Hercules! She is nyala!

This pic is based on the scene where Hercules meets Meg for the first time. I like this one <3

Why always is that thing when everything goes just very well something bad should happen? :D I BROKE A NAIL (A little)

But the thing is I cant do ANYTHING without nails. When I have nails clipped very short I have shivers ALL THE TIME. The same feeling like when trying to clean school board with dry sponge. Or cut the styrofoam.

Ughhhh, having shivers atm xD

And you know what is even worse? I cant cut it cause it broke in the middle or the nail plate. Brrrr, having shivers again xD I think I should stop talking about nails!

Also! I've cooked a mousse cake this month and it appeared to be very delicious! *_* You should try it if there is a chance!

Do you have any favourite sweets? Or fav food? It is pretty interesting for me, maybe I can cook and taste some then! ^^

Ohh and Im also very happy that I've finally finished the prologue for AllTheKingsMen! Cant wait till when the sound will be done *_*

Well...Hope you will like the picture ;3 High resolution in attach, as always!

Have a nice time everyone! ?

