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Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon from Witcher!

No spoilers! :D

I usually write the wall of text under my Furrysations as a summary for the past month and plans for the future, but this time I dont even know what to say, hmmm...

This month I've had TWO free days, without work, haha! That was relaxing xD
But next month will be very busy, because I've started to make a huge animated prologue to AllTheKing'sMan animation you've seen before ;3

Hope to finish it next month!!

Also planning on starting to make a longer movies, like 5-15 minutes long, I have some scenarios ready ;3 But that is much more harder production so I need to be sure Im ready for that.

But for now - enjoy your monthly furrysation! ;3 Hope you will like it!

Higher res in attach vvv



Skeleton Man

she looks soo cool!!!


Nice, looking forward to future projects! Hey, with the future are you looking to do more animations with sound? Do you need voice actors? Just wondering what goes into voice acting and if you need recordings.


WOW that looks sooo good! Excited to see what you can do with a longer movie

Screams, and Screams, and Screams, and Screams, and Screams, and

I love it! But could you export the HD files as .png in the future? This link explains why better than I can: <a href="https://www.labnol.org/software/tutorials/jpeg-vs-png-image-quality-or-bandwidth/5385/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.labnol.org/software/tutorials/jpeg-vs-png-image-quality-or-bandwidth/5385/</a>


Yeah, sure. I dont need explanation, I just thought it is not nessesary ^^ I will reupload to png anyway


Sure I do! As for voice acting - contact me via notes if you still interested! **