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The downside of this plan is that the landing isn't very gentle. Zaerine is going to hit the mat just as hard on the way down as her opponent does, possibly even harder. The flip she performed to put all the vicious power behind her kick leaves her in a very precarious position. As the pair land on the canvas, neither is quick to stand.

Now, the Matriarch is still an absurdly strong opponent. She is dramatically stronger than she looks due to her physiology- in terms of raw power, she may be at the very top of the KWA fighters (nobody tell Kara). Even with one of her arms completely crippled, she's still able to briefly gain control of the situation and tie up Zaerine in the middle of the ring.

This is certainly no submission hold. It's barely even a lock. This is a desperate grab, trying to buy time while the harpy queen tries to think of a way out. With her wings clipped, not only can she not fly, but most of her signature submissions are off the table as well. She had better think fast...



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