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The match only went downhill for Reiko from the first bell. While this was a friendly match, "just for fun" as one would say, the two women had a very different idea of fun. Reiko simply wanted to test their skills against each other, and see how the two partners compared. Dixie wanted to throw down.

The cowgirl was well known for her aggressive fighting style. She didn't just like to win- she liked to absolutely dominate, and this often came with what some would consider a pretty severe beatdown.

"Come on, fight back!" Dixie laughed sitting atop her victim.

"I'm... I'm trying! Slow down!" Reiko pleaded. Her arms were both being wrenched straight backwards, what felt like they were nearly being torn from her shoulders. Even staying on her feet was an incredible challenge, as bruises spread across her whole body.

"Is that giving up already? Come on Reiko, you can do better than that!"

Much later in her career, Dixie would make this hold famous under another stage name. For now though, she just thought it was a fun and creative test.



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