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Reiko and Dixie are usually great tag-team partners. They're nearly unbeatable in the ring. The two are well known as a fighting pair, but with any team there's always the unavoidable question: who would win if they fought each other?

Dixie thought it'd be fun, anyway. And she was pretty sure it would be her.

Mere moments into the match, the cowgirl already had her friend wrapped up in a crushing bearhug. Dixie knew that Reiko was pretty great at technical submissions, and had a pretty simple goal in mind. Out muscle her. She had wrapped her arms around Reiko's, trapping them against her sides as she crushed down on the poor girl's spine.

"Come on, Reiko! I know you can take more than that!" Dixie teased.

The Japanese fighter simply grunted through her teeth in return. With her torso being crushed, she didn't have a ton to reply with.



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