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Tal'naya knew she wasn't in a great position. Though she had the awareness and the skills to stay on her feet, this was a losing position for her. If she tries to shift back, Kara can probably knock her over onto her back. That's bad. If she leans forward or stays where she is, she's pretty sure this little orc is fully capable of just lifting her up. Then she gets thrown down on her back. Still bad.

The smaller contender is fully aware of all this as well, and pushes with everything she has to force Tal back before she can recover her balance. The ring is only so large, and in just a matter of moments the pair have reached the corner. With a roar of effort, Kara pushes up in these final couple steps, lifting her enemy just off the mat as they slam into the turnbuckle with all of both of their momentum. The pair of them hit the pads with a ton of force- both of them have a lot of weight to throw around. One hundred percent of Kara's mass punches into the night elf's waist, crushing her into the corner.

As the former champ gets flattened into the corner, a pained wheeze is the only sound she can make. The orc slams all the air out of her in a painful gasp, before they both crumple down into the corner. Tal'naya tries to catch herself on the ropes, only with the briefest opportunity to pull herself up before a big kick to her stomach knocks her back down.

"Where is your size now, elf?" Kara taunts down as she aims another kick towards her.

Tal grunted in response as the kick connected. She was stable in the ropes, searching for a way to get out.

"People usually call me Tal, normally," she groaned through a small smile. Tal'naya wouldn't fold this easily.

"You are weak! I thought this would be a fight!" The orc yelled down as she took a step back from the corner.

"Hey now, we're about twenty seconds in, I wouldn't be that-"

Tal's response was cut short as Kara launched herself forward, jumping up towards the corner. The Horde warrior threw all of her weight into her hips, grabbing the top ropes to pull herself forward with even more force as the smashed into Tal's face. This bronco buster hit with an incredible amount of power, crushing Tal's neck into the turnbuckle and throwing her head back toward the post.

"Shut up and fight!"



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