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Those who face Maraani in the ring are very lucky that she's not a sadist. She doesn't want to hurt anyone any more than she has to in order to win her matches. The Draenei wrestler really enjoys the contest, and revels in testing her skills against others- win or lose. Even in her toughest matches, she's just having a good time!

Her finisher exemplifies her sporting attitude- it's going to hurt exactly as much as it needs to for you to tap out. What you see here is about the "medium" application. Arysia knows when she's beat, and about here is where she'll submit to the alien fighter. If opponents need a little more... "persuasion", Maraani pulls their arm back up to her chest. At that point, most opponents are out. Failing that, it can go even further- with Maraani tucking their arm under hers. This can dislocate your shoulder, and absolutely threatens to snap the arm entirely. All but the most stubborn opponents surrender there.

But, for those that REALLY, truly refuse to submit, with one of her arms now free Maraani can proceed to absolutely pummel their undefended head. Between the beating and the unique anatomy of her leg increasing the pressure on their neck, they stand no chance of staying conscious for long...



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