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Arysia hoisted the champion in the air, holding her aloft for a moment. It wasn't really a submission hold of any kind. It was uncomfortable, sure- Zaerine's arms were torqued back behind her at an awkward angle, and they supported all of her weight. Still though, this was more of a show. The night elf was displaying her prey for the audience. She was making sure everyone saw that Arysia "had her".

Arysia threw the blood elf down at the mat, belly first. As her opponent landed, Ary sprung forward enough to get a knee up over Zae's back. Before the defender even had the time to bounce back off the mat, Arysia was maneuvering in her signature finisher. She grabbed one arm and one leg, forcing her knee into the side of her victim's lower back. The Vendetta.

Zaerine didn't get to the top of the KWA by just letting things happen to her, though. Arysia is getting a little ahead of herself. A hold like this is nearly impossible to lock in while your opponent is still resisting- they're finishers for a reason. Off the slam down, she did get a hold of the sin'dorei's arm and leg, but she hasn't been able to lock her own hands together yet. The setup is there, but can she seal the hold in?



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