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Normally, I'm posting a lot of scenes from the middle of a battle. Submission holds, big hits and throws, points of power in a fight. Sometimes, it's right at the very end of a battle instead- the victor posing dominant over their fallen foe. This one, however, is much later.

Byleth didn't know what to think when a lamia with Lucina's face appeared before her. Surely this monster was... well, a monster. It's difficult to immediately dismiss the situation, however. Was Lucina herself in danger? Had this beast captured her and taken her visage? Were they one and the same, and she need find some way to free Lucina from this evil? Whatever her thoughts, she held back- and now she's paying for it.

Trapped bound in the serpent's lair, Byleth can do nothing but accept whatever torments this creature has in store for her...



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