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In any other situation, against ANY other opponent, Zaerine would have locked in the victory with her figure four headscissor on the ropes. Her full bodyweight was hanging purely by her opponent's throat, plus the additional leverage she gained by pulling against the ropes herself. She was behind her foe, out of reach, and untouchable.

Against literally anyone but Tal'naya.

Nobody else in the KWA could muster the raw, sheer strength necessary to stagger back into the ring. Tal dragged the sin'dorei by her own submission hold, leaning forward and forcing her back up through the ropes. Just a few steps inward from the ring, Tal did something crazy- she threw herself forward onto her own face.

Slamming down onto the mat, the force send Zae sailing over Tal's head, where she crashed into the canvas with double the force that Tal had felt. In a later interview, Zae would admit she actually blacked out for a second from the force of the slam. She wasn't even fully awake as Tal rolled over on her and started locking her up.

When she recovered from her stun, she was staring at the lights up above. The giant night elf had locked her legs to the ground, forcing Zae to bend backwards over her captor's knees. Tal finished the submission by wrapping her thick arm around Zae's neck- a deadly dragon sleeper submission. The champion then picked up Zae's wrist, simply watching to see it fall as the challenger passed out...



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