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Getting grabbed is not really part of Zaerine's game plan. It happened, though, and now she has to improvise. Her biggest advantage in her speed and mobility is neutered, but not entirely gone- as Tal catches her out of the air, the night elf doesn't have a great grip on her.

There isn't much time to do something before Zae's much larger opponent adjusts her grip and locks it in. The blood elf twists her body around, kicking up with her free leg to twist her whole body around and try to swing her legs up over Tal's shoulders. Her first idea is to try to toss Tal'naya in a hurricanrana to put her on the ground. This was... an unlikely idea. As Zaerine swung her body around and yanked with her legs around Tal's head, the kaldorei staggers a step backwards but definitely doesn't flip.

Well, obviously. She weighs twice as much as you, Zae.

Alright then, new plan. If Zae lets go, she's going to find herself very much still in range of Tal's hands (and also upside down). Keeping her legs around Tal's neck, she pulls herself up and delivers a quick elbow to the side of her opponent's head, just trying to keep her distracted, before she flings her body down again. This momentum is enough to stagger the reigning champion over to the ropes, where Zaerine goes for something outside of her usual strategy.

The challenger locks her left boot under her right leg, and reaches down to grab the middle rope for leverage as she locks in a submission hold of her own!



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