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With a focused cry and a concerted effort, Jaina made one final lunge for the ropes and heaved as hard as she could. By this point, Sylvanas was leaning back so far that her center of balance had shifted well back behind herself. Confident that this fight was already over, the Banshee Queen was caught off guard by the sudden thrash. Jaina knew if this failed, she may not get another opportunity.

Lucky for her, it was enough. The pair toppled backwards, rolling across the mat towards the corner.

"Basking in your victory a little early?" Jaina taunted as she tumbled back with her opponent, reaching down for Sylvanas' legs as they traded positions.

The undead's only response was a growl.

"You tested my back, let's see how well yours can take it!" Jaina pulled back on Sylvanas' legs, folding her back into a boston crab. In that swift movement, she had locked her enemy to the ground and centered her weight up between Sylvanas' shoulder blades. She had her pretty trapped. As much as Jaina hated her foe, she wasn't here to maximize torment. She was here to win. She grit her teeth and wrenched as hard as she could.

Now, the question... would the Queen submit?



Broken clockwork

Freaking amazing. And a very intense hold.