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Dear ■Supporters and Followers

We apologize for the inconvenience caused by personal circumstances, and would like to inform you of the resumption of updates. However, even at this point, we have not yet been able to respond to all of your requests.

We are sorry for the inconvenience caused by personal reasons, but we have not yet been able to respond to all of your requests. The dates are as follows

Scheduled posting dates

1/26, 1/28, 1/29, and 1/31

Campaign Response

The previously announced campaign will continue until 23:59 on January 31. Please note that the actual response will occur only for those supporters who have fulfilled the conditions at the time of the next renewal.

Please note that the actual response will be limited to those supporters who have met the conditions at the time of the next renewal. We also apologize for the sudden suspension of the renewal after the announcement.

We plan to post as much as possible during the remainder of this month. Thank you for your cooperation.



由于个人原因给您带来不便,我们深表歉意。 然而,即使在目前,我们也无法对您的所有要求做出回应。

因此,我们将在今明两天发送本月更新的预定日期和预告。 具体日期如下


1 月 26 日、1 月 28 日、1 月 29 日和 1 月 31 日。


之前宣布的活动将持续到 1 月 31 日 23:59。 请注意,只有在下次更新时满足条件的支持者才会收到实际回复。

请注意,只有在下次更新时满足条件的支持者才能获得实际回复。 我们也对公告发布后突然暂停续订表示歉意。

我们将在本月剩余时间内尽可能多地发布消息。 感谢您的耐心等待。


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