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イラストは健全ご挨拶用のNIKKE ヘルム嬢です。去年は彼女に頼り切りでしたが、今年も定期的に投稿すると思います。きりっとしたお姉さんキャラ最高。


Dear supporters and followers

This is Hakudaku. How are you all doing at the end of the year?

I was thinking about my future activities while eating New Year's Eve Soba.

I feel that this year will be a year for me to deal with AI illustrations. During the period of suspension from October to December last year, I was personally working to publish a CG collection during this period. As I have mentioned here several times, the work itself was ready, and it was ready to be sold when it passed the check, but I couldn't help but stop there.

The main reason is that I don't know how much demand there is for the work, and if I am going to submit the work, it should be original, and while I am thinking about what I can do at the time to make it as good as possible, the fever to revise and add text has died down, and I have been unable to proceed to resubmission.

I think I would be better suited to selling my work at my own discretion on a sales site such as booth, after doing some revision work on the work I provided to Patreon, than to sell it to a large number of people and receive criticism.

The reason I write this is because it relates to what I plan to do next year.

HAKUDAKU's goals for next year

Complete and provide the four CG collections that are still incomplete.

2. To provide Patreon supporters with FANBOX logs, which are sold at booth.

3. To bring the number of continuing supporters back up to the peak of last year.

We are grateful for the support of our continuing supporters, and in order to fulfill our promise, we will continue to post as much work as we can over the next three months. In the process, we will strive to make new and past supporters want to see our work again.

I have written this in detail, but what I want to say is that Hakudaku will continue to contribute AI illustrations as long as you support us.

We would like to reiterate that Hakudaku will continue to contribute AI illustrations as long as you support us. I wish you all a happy New Year. We look forward to your continued support in the coming year.

The illustration is Miss NIKKE Helm for a healthy greeting. I think I will contribute regularly this year as well. She is the best character of a sharp and sharp older lady.



白乐。 年底过得怎么样?


我觉得今年将是我如何处理 AI 插图的一年。 在去年 10 月到 12 月的停刊期间,我个人正在制作一个 CG 系列。 正如我在这里多次提到的,作品本身已经准备就绪,如果我提交的作品通过审核,就可以出售了,但我就是无法停止创作。


我想,与其因为卖给一大批人而受到批评,还不如在摊位之类的销售网站上,或者在 Patreon 上销售自己的作品,先做一些修改工作,然后再自行决定是否销售。



1.完成并提供尚未完成的四个 CG 合集。

2.为 Patreon 支持者提供在展位上发售的 FANBOX 日志。


我们非常感谢持续支持者的支持,为了实现我们的承诺,我们将在接下来的三个月里尽可能多地发布作品。 在这个过程中,我们也会努力让新老支持者愿意再次看到我们的作品。


我们想重申的是,只要大家支持我们,白乐就会继续贡献人工智能插图。 新年虽然短暂,但我们祝大家新年快乐。 期待明年与大家再次合作。

插图是 NIKKE Helm 小姐的健康问候。 去年我经常依靠她,但我想今年我还会经常为她供稿。 她是一个很好的角色,一个犀利的姐姐。



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