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Sorry about the lack of news, been pinging around the globe due to family reasons and I'm presently in Sri Lanka with my parents. We haven't forgotten about Exiern and we hope to have a lot more for you soon!

A quick summary of at least the bare minimum of what might be coming:

$1 Tier

Dark Reflections: Chaos will be continuing soon and hopefully this month, we're just working on yet another special project that we hope will help with that elusive quest to boost and keep boosted our Patreon income. Hopefully we can show you that this month as well!

Dark Reflections: Zen has fired up again, hopefully we can at least get you another couple of pages if nothing else this month!

New pages of Exiern early of course as soon as we make them!

$5 Tier

Lots more Neese to come guaranteed! Finishing touches being applied!

As always, let us know if you have any Exiern Shorts ideas, plenty of completed stories for you to look at already!

$10 Tier

I know we've dropped off the vine with the special story we had going on this tier (Girls Night Out) but we're working up on it. As always, if we fall behind, we hope to make it up to you all so that you ultimately are no worse off than if we hit a regular and frequent update schedule.

$25 Tier

They already know!

We also hope to do more for all tiers than what's listed here from 2023 once we get the latest special project taken care of. Watch out for more news as soon as we have it!

Any questions for us as well, please feel free to post them here or in the comments section of Exiern!


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