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As you may know, we had a long running series of concept art by Brett Neufeld of Marble Gate Dungeon, primarily for Dark Reflections: Chaos. Once the main Exiern story is fully restored, we have to look at bringing all of those images back.

However in the interim, I had been wondering whether Brett was up for some more concept art and before I'd even written to him, fortuitously he contacted me first asking if we wanted any new art from him! So that worked out well for all of us!

This image is yet another in the series of oblique looks into events yet to happen in Dark Reflections: Chaos, where we follow up the previous image of a very frosty pouring of hot tea with a very frosty hot bath!

More in this series as soon as we can!



Thomas Dorner

Tiff's smiling cause she has everything in reach and P. hasn't. ;-)


Well, that's what happens when you're 6 feet tall and a certain someone else is only 5'6". That's also what scrubbing brushes are for!