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As you might have heard, there was a massive crash across all the Wordpress Exiern sites. Sorry for the lack of news, we've all been busy trying to find a temporary work-around.

At the moment, exiern.com is diverting to Comic Fury. We're currently updating that with pages once a day. These pages are all available on the Patreon (just click on the EXIERN tab on the pinned post and sort from "Oldest to newest" but the pages that were all in draft form have been upgraded to black and white linework. We'll get them into colour when we can.

Once all the pages here on the Patreon are published (black and white as well as completed ones subsequent to those) - we have 9 more to go - we aim to get brand new pages published here and there as soon as possible. We are aiming for new Exiern pages this month in April 2022. We will keep everyone regularly updated on this.

The complete archives are also something we hope to restore as quickly as we can. However, from experience it's a very long undertaking and the first priority is getting new pages out.

News soon about how to access the other Exiern titles as well, we're working on restoring everything as quickly as we can but we don't deny it could all take a while to complete.


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