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This is not a new page but there were will be a new page daily after this one (albeit in draft form) for the next four days. So that's Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.

I know we've published this page before here but we're trying to get everything in the right order (accidentally had made and published this page far too soon due to a mistake by me). We've also added an EXIERN tag which you can use to sort "Oldest to newest" to get them in sequence.

Until we can fix our website, new pages will be posted here. The pages previous to the earliest one on the Patreon here under the EXIERN tag will still be at the Exiern archive at exiern.com, the last of which and immediately preceding the oldest of the pages tagged is here.

I'm going to try and completely rebuild the site as a new one from scratch in February and we hope to get all these pages fully completed one day, the current problem is that we only have one primary artist doing everything at the moment.

I know we have a lot to do and we can get it done soon. Also, I'm sorry about the delay in the roll out of the free comic, the breakdown of the website delayed it. I'll get back on that as soon as possible. If you haven't gotten it yet and want to speed things up even further, please message us here directly.

Apologies for all the delays! We're moving as fast as we can to rectify everything and thank you all for your patience!



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