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Once again a remind that there's no Patreon charge on February 1st 2022 and plenty of warnings before March 1st when they resume as well. So everything coming before then, you've effectively paid for.

So as I was setting this up, I just found the website seems to have lost all the pages from late November onwards. There's not even any traces of them, their comments or images in the Exiern Wordpress. It's like the site has been reverted to an older version. Scott and I will try and fix things as soon as possible, in the interim, all new pages will be open to all here, albeit in draft form. There's three new Exiern pages to be posted this week!

I'm rolling out the free comic in stages, if you haven't received a copy yet, just message us on this Patreon and I'll send the link via the messaging system, please keep in mind it's very NSFW in places as explained before.

Now about this picture ... Everyone's payments via Patreon are much appreciated. Exiern still runs at a loss but not as much as it would without you. Of course, we're always trying new things to boost the Patreon count of subscribers.

I do supplement the cost of making things from my job (an unexpected extra day offered to me at work on Saturday the income from which will help a great deal for this month) and I have permission to say that Exiern really helps our current artist Studio Katsumi and family a great deal financially. I can even go as far to say it makes a considerable difference.

So, thank you to everyone past and present for your contributions to Exiern, you've helped more than one artist on Exiern in a big way. We're going to try and get to you as much content as possible in return. As per the pinned post at the top of the Patreon feed, there's several ongoing features tagged there which we also hope you'll enjoy!

Now I supplement my income a little bit further by recycling as we've covered before and while picking up some bottles, I found this picture thrown in some bushes. No idea where it came from but it caught my eye and I felt like keeping it. I thought we could use it and turns out we are! 

It's the model for our new story, Flow Her Tears which is four pages in at the moment, click the tag below to easily find all the pages below! We hope you like it too! Don't know if the character's going to end up being called Morgan for sure but that's the name that sprang to mind at the time for some reason.

Maybe it was fate or magic and Morgan le Fay had something to do with it. Well, it's going to be the name of the picture at least.

Anyway, there will be lots of updates ahead on what's going on with the site and trying to fix that as well as hopefully lots more updates on the Patreon in the weeks ahead before March so we hope you all stick around then at least!



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