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So I've had to cover for other people who've had to take time off work both before and after my rostered night duty. On the upside, on top of that giving me most of Friday on top of Saturday and Sunday off work, that's also going to be more money on hand to put back into Exiern and its related webcomics but other bonus features.

I'll be in touch with everyone this weekend including especially those who've qualified for the 64 page webcomic Tom Reynolds made for us, we hope for this to be just the first of such kinds of bonus offers. If you're currently not, we'll see what alternatives we can come up with for you.

Also if you're currently a patron on Patreon, as promised, I'm going to freeze Patreon payments for February 1st 2022 as an additional thank you to everyone who's helped support Exiern all these years.

This means there's going to effectively be no charge for any additional Exiern content we post between now and March 1st 2022. Among other things, we're hoping to start posting pages from a non-Exiern story we're making. 

Those of you over here because of TG Comics  will be able to see it here first, we'll also be submitting it down the track for consideration for publication there on a regular basis like how Dark Reflections: Chaos is already being published there.

Anyway, we hope you're all enjoying the content so far and I'll be in touch very soon over the weekend!


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