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Sorry about the delay for this page, I'm guessing everyone being on the go during the holiday season has held up lettering for the moment. We'll get the completed page up as soon as we can. This will be up on the website in about 10 minutes and that will be updated with the completed image as soon as possible. Dialogue as intended below.

Art by Ale+Team

Story by Zen


[Panel 1] SPeonie is floating behind Phi, who is clutching his head, covering his face.  Her expression is like she is screaming at him.
-SPeonie: What did you do to him?
-Charles: Quiet, I'm sifting through his memories.  Quite a bit of pillow talk the two of you had.

[Panel 2] Side shot of SPeonie floating in front of Phi, his visible iris is now red.  He is staring through SPeonie as if she isn't there.
-Charles: Your father seems to be the character.  It would be best if we did not keep him waiting.
-SPeonie: You better not do anything to hurt him!
-Charles: You're in no position to bargain.

[Panel 3] APeonie and Phi continue deeper into the city, but they are still on the outskirts.  You can have wagons or something in the background as this
isn't an important area and I don't foresee us returning to this specific spot.  SPeonie is trailing behind APeonie and Phi, her expression is still angry.
APeonie and Phi are talking matter of fact between one another.  APeonie is wearing a long white cloak now since her dress is gone.
-APeonie: Will the King be a problem?
-Charles: In my experience, all Kings are.  This one is a little more dangerous than average.

[Panel 4] Back shot of Phi and APeonie with SPeonie still hovering behind them.  In front of them is a street covered in a sickly purple haze with people
moving about their business, unaware of it.
-Charles: And the "red" carpet unfurls to welcome us...



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