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Thank you to Sean Harrington of Spying With Lana for making this image for us and thanks to Tom Reynolds for making this story for us over the last six months!

Anyone who's made a lifetime $5 Patreon contribution will be eligible for a copy and these will be offered for anyone who qualifies wants one, we will be in touch if we haven't already!

If you're seeing this and never been a patron past or present to the total of $5, it's not too late to join the $5 tier and not only get access to this story but also others at that tier and no further charges until March 1st as we're freezing payments for February.

(Thank you to to Femur from TG Comics - please note adult content at the link - for posting the promotion that undoubtedly brought so many of you new patrons across in the last few days.)

We hope everyone stays longer than the end of February but if you do cancel just before March 1st 2022, that's still access to multiple stories and hundreds of pages (more coming January and February 2022 which if you've paid $5 for on January 1st you've effectively already paid for too - with no extra changes until March 1st we'd say it's worth hanging around at least that long). Please see the pinned Patreon post for directions on how to find them.

So we hope if nothing else you find that plenty of value for $5! Of course there'll be more coming during the rest of the year.

Exiern is taking a break for the next couple of weeks but we planned ahead to have almost daily content for the next couple of weeks on the website starting from tomorrow and an announcement here as well.

Anyway, we hope you all have a good Christmas and New Year and thank you to all our readers past and present!




question for the gift you are sending us is it gonna be through the email or the patreon messages thanks and cant wait to read it.


Via email most likely. Possibly also Patreon messages as well.

태완 구

When do you think we can receive?